Chapter 11.

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Moons went by and they were still mates. Ash'Deer always acted a bit weird when Sand'Patch was with her, or he was near him. All the cats all were very happy for them, even Kelp'Snarl. Some queens had had kits, some apprentices became warriors, a elder had died. But little did Icicle'Frost know today was going to be a horrible day. She woke up at close to dawn to Pebble'Cod pawing her. "We've got dawn patrol." He yawned. "Yeah, I remembered." She got up and stretched, the tom doing the same. They padded out, she took a fish and Pebble'Cod took a robin, they both settled next to each other. "Whos on the patrol again?" She asked. "Leopard'Hiss, Sky'Cloud, me, you, Heather'Star," She was surprised to hear Heather'Star was coming on patrol with them, as she rarely did that. Pebble'Cod seemed to have noticed her surprise. ",she said she likes to come on patrols some times just to get out like when she was a warrior, anyway, the last 2 cats are Flame'Streak and Dusk'Feather." He completed listing out the cats to her. "Thats a quite big patrol, for hunting?" She mewed. "You fish brain! Did you forget it was a boarder patrol?" He laughed at her. "Oh! Sorry." She mrrowed, embarrassed. "Forgot."

 They finished their prey and chatted until the other cats in the patrol were done their prey. "Dusk'Feather has got a bad cold, has a stuffy nose and wanted to skip this patrol due to the cold making him tired. So instead of him, Yarrow'Ear will be joining us." Heather'Star mewed. Icicle'Frost eyed him. He was always chosen for patrols. Heather'Star seemed to trust him, alot. Well, they have been friends since Yarrow'Ear was a kit. She considered in her thoughts. "Okay, lets go." Heather'Star meowed and they set off to the wind clan boarder, the fresh scent markers of wind clan were there, but there were no wind clan cats currently there. "Remark the boarders." The leader ordered. The cats split up into 2 groups and set the new markers and caught a few bits of prey while they were at it. "Now come on lets go to the shadow clan boarder, Icicle'Frost, you take the lead for now." Heather'Star meowed. "Okay." Icicle'Frost replied, leading the cats through the territory, until they walked out of the bushes at the shadow clan boarder at the lake.

 Icicle'Frost gasped, in shock and alarm. There was Ash'Deer, holding Sand'Patch's struggling body, pushes his head into the water, Sand'Patch tried to get away, but Ash'Deer had too strong of a grip on him. Ash'Deer looked up as the patrol came out with shocked gasps and angry yowls, his eyes widened with fear as he saw the cats and they widened even more when he saw Icicle'Frost was with them. But he kept his grip and didnt loosen it. "LET HIM GO NOW ASH'DEER!" Icicle'Frost yowled. "HOW COULD YOU DO THIS!" She screamed in rage and fear. What if he dies? Why would Ash'Deer do this! I thought he was a good cat! What happened to Ash'Deer?! She thought in panic. "IF I CANT HAVE YOU!" Yelled Ash'Deer in rage and sadness. "NOBODY CAN!" He tightened his grip on Sand'Patch's body and head, who was starting to get weaker. "I LOVED YOU, ICICLE'FROST! BUT YOU NEVER SHOWED ANY SIGN OF LOVING ME BACK, AND THIS IS WHAT YOU DESERVE FOR BREAKING MY HEART AND BEING MATES WITH HIM INSTEAD OF ME!" He screamed out. 

Only if you knew I already had to choose, and that I didnt know you loved me. She thought in sadness and anger. "I DIDNT KNOW YOU LOVED ME! I DIDNT KNOW! HE DOSENT DESERVE THIS!" She screamed back, tears filling her face. "IM SORRY BUT THIS IS NOT HOW YOU SHOULD'VE REACTED!" She continued, still heart broken and shocked that Ash'Deer would do this. "Your a traitor to your clan! You tried to murder your clan mate and your best friend's mate!" Hissed Pebble'Cod. "STAY OUT OF THIS!" Ash'Deer yowled. "I can deal with this, dont worry Pebble'Cod." She muttered to him. "LET HIM GO!" Icicle'Frost yelled. "Never, you'll have to fight me off to do that!" He yowled at her. 

"Then we will!" Yarrow'Ear stomped forward from the back of the crowd. Icicle'Frost was shocked that him of all cats would stand up for her and her mate. "You were a good warrior Ash'Deer, it was petty of you to give it all up because of rage and heart break. I exile you from my clan." Heather'Star snarled. "You'll have to fight me to get my off your territory then!" He growled. "Then we will!" Leopard'Hiss yelled at him. "You've hurt your best friend's feelings and tried to commit murder! Thats disgusting of you!" she continued. "You disgust me!" Sky'Cloud spat. "You fox heart!" Flame'Streak yowled in rage. "I CANT BELIEVE YOU'D DO THIS! I CANT BELIEVE WE ALL TRUSTED YOU!" Ash'Deer snarled.

Sand'Patch started to struggle less and Icicle'Frost could tell they needed to hurry. "ILL CHASE YOU OFF THIS TERRITORY IF THATS WHAT I MUST DO!" Screamed Icicle'Frost, the others seemed to understand that she wanted to begin the battle. "ATTACK!" Yowled Heather'Star, they all ran at him, yowling battle cries. He began to try fight them off, Sand'Patch just floated there while they fought. Soon after Ash'Deer was backing up from them towards the boarder. "You've ruined everything for me, Icicle'Frost. If only you would've loved me back, this wouldnt have happened." He hissed. "Its my choice who I love, and I just didnt have that feeling towards you. And I didnt ruin anything. I didnt even know you loved me. If you told me maybe I would have politely declined. NOW LEAVE RIVER CLAN AND THIS FOREST AND NEVER COME BACK!" She snarled, raising her voice at the end. He snarled at them one last time and ran off into shadow clan territory, hopefuly to never be seen again.

Icicle'Frost's Love - The Draining Lake, book 1.Where stories live. Discover now