Chapter 3

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Hello my waffles as u know I'm ending it here its really short cuz I have more ships to do so


I wake up on Zaks lap I get up not wanting him to wake up and I put on my shoes and go on a walk.


I wake up and see that bad is not here I get up and rat is jumping and barking like crazy sniffing the floor where bads shoes were and I looked to see them gone he probably went on a walk I say to myself and I sit up and watch TV I turn on the news.


Hello we are back again with bad news there has been a car crash and someone was hit there name is Darryl he is a teenager he had a bf named zak who are gonna be married soon...


I look at the picture of the boy on the screen as I hold back sobs I put on my shoes and I get in my car and start driving to the hospital.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2021 ⏰

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