Chapter 7 family dinner

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(Tony Stark's POV) I'm just finishing cooking dinner so I call my kids to the kitchen by yelling Peter Morgan Harley dinners done and auntie Tasha and uncle Steve are gonna be here soon in less then a minute all three of my kids come running into the dining room ready and I say go sit in the entertainment area till auntie Tasha and uncle Steve Arrive while I set the table Harley and Morgan both listen and they go sit down on the couch but Peter stays and asks "I can help you set the table if you want dad?" And I says thanks buddy that would be great so as I set the plates and glasses in each person's spot peter puts a napkin down and sets the silverware on each side of the plate when we are done setting the table we both join Harley and Morgan in the entertainment room on the couch watching tv in a few minutes I hear a knock on the door so I get up and say I'll get it when I get to the door I open it and say hi, come in and open it wider so they can come in

(Steve Roger's POV) we walked into the compound were the Stark's had moved back in temporary I could tell Natasha was full of nerves because we hadn't been invited to Tony's since the whole mistake was revealed but then I also figured this was a good time to talk about the director fury situation before the upcoming hydra mission so I took it upon myself to ask can we go in a private room and talk about the mission and by the look on Stark's face I can tell he knows what I'm getting at and he said sure follow me and then the three of us go into Stark's at home office and Stark says Friday can you please soundproof the room so we don't have a situation (I assume he did it so the kids couldn't eves drop if they wanted to but also peters enhanced senses made him hear things that were quiet)  so I said we should talk about the mission because fury called us and was very secretive about why we have to do this mission so I have a feeling it's not Ross's decision

(Tony Stark's POV) i found it surprising fury didn't tell Natasha and Steve what he told me so that must mean he trusts me a lot so I said I can't tell you very much because fury swore me to secrecy but I can say this has to be important to the pirate to tell me to to get Spider-Man to come and we all know the director does not trust Spider-Man they both looked at me and the expressions on their faces said even they didn't expect what I just said then Steve said "but what if director fury try's to get Spider-Man to reveal his identity" so I said then we stand up for him and if that doesn't work we distract fury while Pete leaves because it only makes things more complicated when fury finds out who Spider-Man truly is cause even we wouldn't have found out who he truly was if he hadn't saved us that day  then Natasha asked "have you told Peter yet ?" And I looked at her and said no but I plan to after dinner I just want to be prepared if he reacts badly so I'm gonna have Steve in the room with us then Steve turns to look at me and says "tony do you really think peters gonna react badly" and I said no but I'm gonna take a subtitle but necessary precaution incase for everyone's safety

(Peter Stark's POV) we were in the living room watching tv when dad and auntie Tasha and uncle Steve went in dads home office Morgan got curious like the rest of us and but only she went to go eves drop and came back disappointed when she heard nothing I have super hearing and heard nothing so dad must have sound proofed the room I figured if it was something dad wanted us to know about he would tell us himself I think that was something both me and Harley learned getting older and more responsible and something Morgan will learn to understand as she gets older because she's only 4, a very mature 4y year old a lot of the time but a 4 year old non the less dad had decided we would door dash cheeseburgers from McDonald's because it's a family favorite in the stark household and dad doesn't have to cook yet when dad announced that Uncle Steve said "Tony you seriously couldn't cook a healthy dinner your self" and then Morgan said "well he hasn't since mommy's been gone" and by the look uncle Steve and auntie Tasha shared they put the time line together and figured out we probably haven't had a home cooked meal as a family and at this rate we won't for awhile because pepper was alway the good cook in the stark household and then suddenly uncle Steve spoke up and said we can move in and I'll cook meals and Natasha can help when it comes to helping get the kids ready and the look on dads face said he wanted to say no but he knew he couldn't keep doing it on his own after all how does that old saying go oh ya "it takes a village to raise a child" I could only imagine how many villages it would take to raise three kids

(Steve Roger's POV) 25 minutes later our burgers had arrived and tony shot me a glance which I figured meant after dinner he was gonna pull me and Peter in his office to talk about Spider-Man coming on the mission but I didn't want it to seem like something was up so I decided to start conversation with Harley so I said hey Harley do anything exciting today and he responded with "oh yea I helped peter upgrade his web shooters" so I said that's cool Peter what did you upgrade and he said "uncle Steve I made a new web fluid that can condense itself more so I get more fluid in my web shooters then before making running out less likely" so I responded with oh cool bud that will definitely come in handy when crime fighting and he nodded in agreement taking another bite of his burger then tony looked at Morgan and said "Morgan why don't you you tell auntie Tasha about your amazing day " Then Morgan turned to face Natasha and said "auntie Tasha auntie Tasha do you wanna hear about my day" and Natasha said "course I do sweet pea"

(Peter Stark's POV) after dinner was finished Tony told auntie Tasha "to go with Harley and Morgan and set up the entertainment area for the movie night and to pick a movie" then he looked at me and uncle Steve and said "can I talk to you in my home office please" we both nodded then I looked at uncle Steve and he had a look on his face saying he knew what this was about so we all went into dads office and he told Friday to soundproof the room(that was how I knew it was avenger stuff being talked about and not just a conversation about how my day was) and as if we he could read my mind dad said "so Pete there's something we need to talk about and it involves the avengers and director fury" so I said ok dad what do we need to talk about and he said "there is a upcoming hydra mission and fury wants all the avengers on board and in his words including Spider-Man" I think he understood I was surprised even before I said but mr. fury thinks Spider-Man is a threat because his identity isn't public knowledge and what if he try's to get me to reveal who I really am? He looks me dead in the eyes and says "Pete we will be there to stand up for you and if he try's anything I will personally distract him so you can leave"

(Tony Stark's POV) and Pete I'm not forcing you to go on this mission if you don't want to but if the pirate needs all avengers I would take a guess that it is important he nodded that he understood then he crossed his arms and turned around and took a deep breath( which I assume was to calm himself down) then he turned back so he was facing us and said "I'll go on the mission because it's hydra and hydra is bad and we take down bad guys but if mr.fury even starts trying to get me to reveal my identity I will leave the mission no hesitation is that understood" and I said yes Peter and I don't think anyone would blame you for that decision because I think if any avenger was in your position they would do the same I know I would then he looked at me and said "while now that this is settled can we please go back to having family movie night I really wanna spend sometime with my new and old family"
So I said yes Pete we can

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