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In black and white we met each other

Filtering through the monochrome of past

i ponder on our meaningless render

I will put my faith into my pain

Hoping you won't leave me sane

For if everything, the world all made sense

I'd forget who I was driven by revenge

In the soulless depths of life

I search for a cold form of love

Wanting an icy touch

Like the autumn wind with a bitter throb

Unforgiving like the burns lining my body

Perhaps who I once was is already scorched

My insanity burning white photographs to ash

Yet still I search if only to seem humane

The depthless soul of who I once was

Suffering in eternal pain

Darkness tainting my black coloured soul

The only thing left

A shell rotting

Yet I still search

Even as my body withers

As fear runs through those around me

They see me as nothing but a scarred heart

Like vultures swooning to pick at bone

Yet until I find the revenge, I look for

I will walk the moonlit path I carved for myself

Deeper into the no return of the hell 

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