Sunny days

15 2 1

The bright sun's rays tickled my cheek

as I sat under the great oak tree

I felt a slight soft breeze

touching my toes awakening me.

'Laying on the blades of grass

Hair sprawled out against her chest

The days with her were some of my best'

I stared at her bloody heart

The birds chirped melancholy

Her ghostly image still haunts me,

her face as pale as snow

How could I still hear her voice?

How could I believe she was real?

I wish I had never seen her face

Wish the memory could be erased

Hoped it hadn't been this way.

Her deathly grip grasped my skin

As she lifted me like a white dove

She took me up by the hand

Took me to another land

In front of me another kind of reality

A mansion built of cherry tree wood

The roof tops covered with sweet smelling fruit

The sense intoxicated me

as I remembered something of a faint memory

children running amiss the trees

jumping out without being seen

until the realization hit me

could this be the same sad memory?

I touched the rough tree bark

Trying to remember something once lost

I heard screams of terror from within

Crying and pleading without ceasing

Bright orange flames licked at the walls

Gnawing and gnashing to eat it all

Exits and doors just about sealed

I saw dead limbs drop to the floor

Saw dead bodies and faces once lost...

Right in front of me a door burst open

Children running out

Infront of me the roof collapsed

I heard a great big SNAP

The roof fell atop, smelling burning flesh

The terrorizing fright hurt my eyes

As I cried into a small circle ball

Oblivious to the world around me

Oh, why must my memories haunt me?

Its tendrils reach out and latch to my brain

And Infront of my eyes a figure falls abliss in flames

Her ghostly grip returns to my face

She grabs on turning me her way

Then I hear her whispered voice say

'come with me

And you shall see

How to be free

from the memories that haunt you and me'

she takes to the well and cries "jump in"

but I knew if I fell

I would never be able to escape this night

I would well and truly end my life

Yet I still jump in if only to end the shrieks

And as I fall

I see a body I vividly recall

That's when it hits me like a ton of bricks

All of her lies deceits and treacheries had just been tricks

To get me to join her once and for all

But it was too late I'd made the fall

my body had already hit the floor

I will be nevermore 

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