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Old memories

________________________________________11th April

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11th April

the air begins to warm and the temperature rises slowly

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the air begins to warm and the temperature rises slowly. the days seem to be getting longer as well. the lovely flowers begin to bud and flies begin to come out. it smells fresh and alive. lush green with bright leaves, beautiful flowers, buzzy bees and colourful butterflies. spring is a time of rebirth, renewal and awakening.

morning 9:00 am

the rays of sunlight lit up. the dawn chorus of melodic bird song drifted in. the rising sun cast a rosy hue across the morning sky. the Kims we kneeling towards the graveyard of their mom with flowers in their hand tears were flowing from their eyes its been 16 years since their mom passed away. a few tears shed from y/n's eyes, she looked away she didn't remember any memories with her mother or with her family as most of them had been erased from her mind. 16 years was a long time the siblings except y/n remembered their every memory with their mom to this day. it was like millions of knives had been stabbed into their heart which had already broken. as for y/n she just remembered a blurry face of a woman but yoongi and others always tell about their mother and the similarities between them. she may be the exact copy of Mr Kim but in a smaller version, her behaviour and personalities were similar to shin hyes and bangpink's .


everyone was seated in the living room except y/n and soohyun. There was complete silence. It wasn't an awkward silence but a comfortable one 'do you think that if y/n is alive so mom would also' taehyung spoke snapping the others out of their thoughts,taehyung slightly twitched because of the intense stare he was getting from others 'stop saying nonsense' 'yes Jennie is right we saw her body with our own eyes' jisoo said while her eyes become watery. She choked in her own tears as rose hugged her tightly while tears flowed from her eyes. The rest of the siblings looked at them with teary eyes. 'We haven't seen her body as it was burned there was a necklace which was completely clean. The forensic report says that she was tortured brutality that her every organ was damaged and her body was burned' namjoon stated
'if they wanted to take revenge they could have just sent her body after killing her. Why burn the body so there are chances for her to be still alive in their Custody I am not sure' Yoongi stated after thinking for a while 'if we know their group's name maybe we can get her back' hoseok said while comforting Lisa and jungkook who was crying 'bloody monsters' a voice from behind spoke causing them to turn around it was soo Hyun 'when I found out y/n was alive I thought the same. So I decided to look into it some more however the person who has kidnapped your mom in the past has become more powerful than us so I have decided that today we will make a deal with the mafia lord as in that country she doesn't have control over it and the person who kidnapped your mom is the mafia king' after talking for a bit they left from there one by one.

AFFLICTION|BANGPINK FF|RE WRITING|Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora