Chapter one- together <3

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"Hey darling!" Leanne runs towards Mayce in her sports singlet and shorts. She is holding a gift. Mayce turns around, opens her arms and smiles widely. Leanne wraps her arms around Mayce's shoulders and gives her a big smooch on the cheek. "How was your morning sweets?" She hands Mayce the gift. "Good thank you, what's this?" She looks at the gift after returning the smooch. "I made them for you". Mayce opened the gift to find some heart shaped cookies all covered with cute patterns and soft colours made by Leanne. "Ah! So cute! They look delicious" she grabs one from the small packaging and shoves it into her mouth. "Mmmm~". Leanne laughed while watching her girlfriend enjoy her cookies "your welcome". Mayce put the rest of her cookies in her bag and grabs Leannes hand. They held hands on their way to school and enjoyed their surroundings together. "LEANNE!!" They quickly let go of each others hands and create a bit of distance between each other. Leanne turns around to see her mother walking the dog. "Morning mom!" Leanne's mom doesn't approve of same sex relationships. In fact both of the girls parents don't. They've secretly been dating for about a year and a half now but lately their parents have been suspecting because the teacher kind of outted them during a parent teacher interview. Leanne's mother gives a death stare then walks away. They both sigh in some sort of relief. The two continue to walk to school with not much to say.
Mayce and Leanne arrive at school and walk through the noisy corridor. Some people gave a disgusted look to them. Leanne pats Mayce on the head softly and gives her a smooch on the head. "I'm going to gym class ok? I'll see you at break" Leanne smiles and waves goodbye while walking to the gym. Mayce waves then goes to her locker. Both of their lockers are located next to eachother. Mayce slips a note that says "I love you" on it through the small gap in Leannes locker. Mayce opens her own locker and grabs all the books and supplies she needs for the day. She puts everything in her bag and closes her locker. The bell rings for class. "Hey, disgusting Bitch" a girl comes up to Mayce and yank her by the arms. The girl drags her into the bathrooms and slams her into a stall. She grabs her by the neck and locks the door. "Ur so gross, being gay for Leanne. Everyone knows". Mayce looks at the girl straight in the eyes with her hand around the girls wrist and said "i-it's pretty gay..that ur choking me in a stall. Just the two of us. alone. M-MMGH-~! MORE~!" The girl quickly lets go and wipes her hand. "What the fuck?!", Mayce kicks the girl and unlocks the stall door. She runs out of the bathrooms holding her bag tight. She rushes to class. She got excused for being a bit late.

Mayce's POV:
What a fucking asshole. I'm so tired of the people here. I'm disgusting? Please. I would report but I'm afraid I'm gonna get outted to my parents. Sighs.. who knows what'll happen then. I look out the window next to my desk to see my partner still doing sports. Hottieeeee 🤪🤪🤪🤪. I smile to myself. Im so lucky to have her. She's perfect.

Time skip (lunch time):
FINALLY MY GOD! I want the cookies Leanne made me. The bell rang for lunch. I pack up my stationary and put everything in my bag. I stand up from my desk and walk out of the classroom. As I walk to my usual spot where I meet Leanne I saw a group of boys. "Hey pretty, I can turn you straight" the boys laugh. I ignore and continue to walk down the corridor. I go to the outside area and sit at a bench. Someone sits next to me. I turn my head. "Hey honey". "Ah! Hellooo" I give Leanne and kiss on the cheek and smiles. Leanne sticks a note to my forehead. "Found this in my locker" she smiles then kisses me on the lips softly. "I love you too darling". For the whole lunch break we just talked and laughed together. We cuddled and enjoyed the time we had. Although we get comments at school, school is basically the only times we can see eachother unless we sneak out of the house to meet up so we don't let those idiots affect us.

Time skip: home time
Leannes POV:
The last class has ended. I pack my things and run out of the room. I run to Mayce's classroom. There she is! I wave at her as she walks out of her class. We give eachother a big hug. I look at her "let's go to the arcade". She tilts her head at me. "The arcade-?". "Yeah!" I grab her hand and she just smiles at me. We leave campus and goes to the arcade around the corner. There's bright lights, arcade machines and games everywhere. I let go of her hand and go to the counter to buy a card to use the machines. I turn around and she's not there. I go on my tiptoes and look around again. There I see her at a claw machine. I chuckle and go over to her. I swipe the card and tries to get this big bunny plush. She hugs me from behind as I try to win it for her. She's so cute. "Got it!!" I grabbed the plush and turn around. I gave her the plush and she gives me the sweetest smile. She looks so excited.

3rd POV:
A few hours passed and the sun went down. The two lovers lost track of the time. Leanne checked the time on her phone. "Fuck. Sorry darling we're gonna have to come back here another day. We gotta go. " Mayce grabbed all the prizes they won. "Okk..I had lots of fun, thank you for bringing me here" They held hands and walked home.
Leanne walked Mayce home. They give eachother smooches before Mayce goes inside the house. Leanne then goes home herself.

Mayce's POV:
"Where have you been?" My mother comes up to me. Oh god. She's so mad. My mother slaps me across the face. I look at her. "Seriously? What for?!", "I saw you and that girl this afternoon, I contacted her parents, you won't be seeing her anymore, you need to change, it's not normal". I clenched my fist "YOU CALLED HER MOM? WHAT DO YOU MEAN I EONT BE SEEING HER ANYMORE?" . Me and my mother argued back and forth. I gave up and walked to my room. It was clear it wasn't getting anywhere. I need to call her. I hope she's ok.

To be continued!!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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