chapter 4 the magical date

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[Joey's POV]
Omg I have a fucking hot ass boyfriend I wonder were I should take him out for dinner tonight

Shane:kangaroo what are you thinking about?

Joey:awe my mom ust to call me that and stuff

Shane: Ok we can talk later

Lisa:high five guys our plan worked

Lisa and tyler and Troye and Justine were all in the back seat high fiving eachother

Shane:so joey wanna tell them what that kiss was all about

Joey:Yes let's tell them when they least expect it

Lisa:we can hear you guys remember

Shane:ya I remember

Troye:what was that kiss about?

Shane:did you not just hear us we gonna tell you when you least expect it

Justine:ugh just fucking tell us

Joey:Fine shane tell them


Joey:ok I wanted to get back at you guys and that just kinda happened next

Shane:yup so it was a accidentally success

Joey:you are so cute when you explain stuff

Shane:awe thank you babe

Justine:stop I am gonna vomit

Lisa:ya you guys are just weird

Tyler:you guys are mean

Troye:ya they are mean tilly

Shane:thx guys but Lisa forgets I know where she lives

Lisa:you wouldn't dare

Shane: oh yes I would

Lisa:you are so mean

Shane:I know

Tyler:I can now see how you 2 are related


Tyler: oh ya sorry guys

Troye:hahahaha you guys are so funny

Ok so we are back at the office and we asked if me and Shane could have the day off so we could do stuff together and of corse tyler made it pervy
So as soon as we got to the office I started to make out with shane I got the sparks again and Shane kissed back as soon as my lips touched his Justine was making gaging noises but I just ignored her after a few seconds they where all gone so I pulled back

Shane:what was that for?

Joey:tyler was being pervy so I gave hi what he wanted hehe

Shane:nice but I was talking about when you pulled away

Joey:awe you want another kissy

Shane: please *pouty face*

Joey:ok come here

He gets close to me and our lips touch and sparks are back but harder and more what's that word oh ya firery it is the best thing I have ever felt
It is kind of a turn on and then he pulls away

Shane:we should go get lunch

Joey:ok let's go

Shane:where though??

Joey:how about *random restaurant*

Shane:I love that restaurant

Joey:this is our date aka because after I will be broke


So we made it to the restaurant

Shane:let's go in

Joey:ok come on

We intered and it was beautiful we got a seat and it was so romantic the waitress came over and kept starring at me so we said our orders her name tag said Tracy

Tracy:so what can I get you to today

Shane:ok I will have the prime ribs please

Tracy:ok and you sir

Joey:I will have a chicken salad with extra chicken

Tracy:ok I will be right back with that

Shane:she was being flirty with you

Joey:I know it was weird wanna kiss when she comes back

Shane:Hella yes


When the waitress came back we where making out we got some nasty looks from her

Tracy:here is your food boys

Joey&shane:thank you

Tracy:have a nice afternoon boys:

Shane:you to miss

Shane:Why do you eat so much chicken

Joey:Because it is my chickenaynas

Shane:you are so cute

Joey:awe thank you I love you so much

Shane:hey do you know those moments you remember forever?

Joey:ya why

Shane:Because this is sure as fuck one of them.

Joey: awe so should we leave

Shane:we shall

[Shane's POV]

We left the restaurant and went back to my place
___________________________________________________ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cliff hanger my friend suggested this so if u guys want more comment if not this will be the last chapter I write


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