Part 2 - Chapter 1

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"Aveloghn!" my mother yelled from her perch on the windowsill. "It's time for you to head to school!"

"Coming!" I yelled back, grabbing my backpack and flinging it over my shoulder.

"Don't get lost," my mother said.

"I don't know how I could. I mean, I do this everyday," I responded, flashing her a grin before plummeting out of the window. I pulled my hood over my hair. My hair is much like my mother's. However, it goes from brown to purple and only falls to my mid-back. I also look a lot like my mother. The only differences between us are she has a darker complexion, and her eyes are hazel, nothing like my grey eyes. However, my mother says my eyes are not going to stay grey forever. Overall, she is the best mother I could ask for. She loves my with all her heart, and everything she does, she does for me. She has told me many stories of my relatives. Apparently, Duke Dohnnavahn Lahncaster is my grandfather, and Lord Ashton Lahncaster is my uncle. She wont tell me who my father is, though, and I never pushed her to. My uncle is married to Lady Mackenzie three years after I was born. They had twins a few years ago who they named Everleigh and Miriam! From what I've been told about them, they seem like nice girls. They are a lot younger than I am, being five.

As I make my way to the Outcast village, I watch as the snow beneath my feet crunches under my weight. This is the last day of school before Christmas break. We get three weeks off of school! I've always loved Christmas. Not only is my birthday coming up soon, but all the decorations, songs, and folklore give this holiday a different feel than all the others.

I soon arrived at what looked like a little barn on the edge of the Outcast territory. The school was run by one of out town elders: Merigold! She's my godmother, and she's the best. She always gives me the warmest sweaters for my birthday.

"What do you think we're going to do today?" my best friend, Darian, asked, walking up beside me.

"I honestly don't know," I said. "We took all our exams yesterday and the day before. I'm hoping we can do whatever we want. I could get some more sleep!"

Soon enough, the bell rang, and we made our way back to our seats.

"Good morning, everyone!" Merigold said. "I received a lot of requests from the lot of you concerning what we should do today. The request that most stood out to me was that we should all learn about myths and legends, so does anyone know any myths or legends?"

"The royal family has purple eyes!" someone cried.

"Now, how do you know that it's a myth, Sebastian?" Merigold asked.

"I don't, but since I have not seen the royal family's eyes with my own, I can neither confirm nor deny the myth."

"Well," Merigold said. "Looks like you all have some research to do. Your projects must be turned in by the time the final bell rings. Now, get to it!"

I groaned. I didn't want to have to do a project on the last day of school.

"What should be do?" asked Darian.

"I don't know! I just want sleep!" I pouted.

"How 'bout we ask someone who was there the night Elder Caleb was killed?"

"I mean... sure, I guess. Only question is: who?"

"Why, Elder Ben, of course!" Darian exclaimed while dashing out of the school doors into the streets of the village beyond.

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