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This thriller series is fiction – i.e. the characters and events referred to are straight out of my own imagination. However, they are based directly upon my interpretation of the predictions of the Hebrew prophets. 

This is my attempt to bring to life things that have been prophesied for many hundreds of years – many of which are now coming to pass. Just seventy years ago the State of Israel was only a faint hope in the hearts of a few pioneering Jews, scoffed at even by their fellow Jews. Today, Israel is the most advanced and powerful nation in the Middle East, though continually under threat.

Today, the Middle East, and much of the world, are dominated by Islamic fundamentalism. Will that continue? Today, America is the world’s only super-power. Could the day come when that is no longer the case? Could the world change fundamentally in just six hours?

My 2011 non-fiction book, 'The Whore and Her Mother: 9/11, Babylon and the Return of the King', investigated some of the unfulfilled Hebrew prophecies concerning the last days – particularly those concerning the modern day city and nation of Mega-Babylon and God’s plan for the Middle East and other nations of the world.

That book was based on the logical argument that, if we can see one of the most significant of these prophecies being fulfilled today, then we surely ought to pay attention to ALL of those unfulfilled prophecies and perhaps start to live our lives accordingly. Since that book was published, week by week there have been more fulfillments of those biblical prophecies.

The problem with a non-fiction book on prophecy is that there is a limited market for such a thing. This thriller, and its sequels, are an attempt to bring to life some of the events foretold by the Hebrew prophets and covered in 'The Whore and Her Mother'.  

Although the book has been researched as carefully as possible, I have never been a member of the US Military, the Afghan National Army, or the Israeli Defence Forces, nor have I ever been in any combat situation – so I apologise in advance for what I’m sure are many mistakes in technique and operation of these forces. I’m sure members of either military could list many technical errors I have made. This is simply a work of fiction – telling a story – it is not intended to be accurate in every military detail. 

I have tried to be as close to reality as possible – for instance with descriptions of vehicles and weapons, such as the Bright Arrow Active Protection System and the CombatGuard APC – all of which are available at this moment and are at least planned to be deployed in greater numbers in future. 

Israel certainly had a major role in the development of the Stuxnet software, but beyond that I have no special knowledge. The special unit at Haifa Technion does not exist (as far as I am aware), but I’m quite sure Israel has a special cyber-warfare unit somewhere working on similar software.

In Six Hours ... the world changedOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant