2 Face

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                                          *I sleep*

           I'm running.

           I'm not sure why but I'm running along a board walk.

           Sweating heavily.

           As I run, I hear footsteps other than my own. I turn my head slightly as I sprint barefoot. I see a tall figure chasing me.

           I can't see their face but it looks as if it's made of a silhouette. I run faster as they follow my lead. I make a sharp turn and jump the rail onto the sandy beach. I turn my head to see if I'm still being followed.

           I am.

           I reach the water an continue to run until I'm so far I start to swim.....

           I stop, turn around and stay afloat. In the moonlight I see the figure standing in shallow water, and suddenly the figure peels his silhouette head back into his body and a fish head appears!

           They start to swim towards me quickly so I dive!
I dove as fast as possible until I couldn't hold my breath any longer.

           I start to choke until I realize I can breathe!
So I swim harder and faster until I see a house in view.
It's run down and on fire. In my panic I don't question how a house under water could possibly be engulfed in flames, let alone be under water to begin with, but I swim toward it anyway thinking it could be my only hope in escaping whatever is hunting me at this point.

          I swim up to the door open it and hide in a broken cupboard with a few holes in it. I see a family of frogs swim in from the other room wondering what all the racket is. They don't seem like normal frogs. I assumed they're some type of mutant frog. They start to look around the kitchen for what made the noise. As they get close to checking the cupboards..... BOOM! The silhouette fish-figure blows in through the front door. The mutant frogs panic as the fish-figure rushes the kitchen looking for me.

         Everything stops and it gets quite as he quickly scans the room. The frogs stop and stare. The figure notices their eggs in the corner and quickly swims toward them. The mutant frogs rush to try and defend them but to no avail. I see the figure fend off the mutant frogs and quickly changes his head from fish back to silhouette and then into a MUTANT FROG! He must be able to shape-shift into anything he comes in contact with! I try to stay as quite as possible as I tremble in the cupboard and I watch this weird and disturbing transformation.

            In this new mutant frog form he starts to devour the eggs and fight off the frog like beings all at once. As this goes on I rush from the cupboard to try and escape.

            As soon as I'm visible I lock eyes with the shape-shifter. All I could see were floating bodies from a flickering light, then suddenly....... glowing fiery red eyes in the darkness.....

                                         *I Wake*

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