Astral Projector

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It's 2:08 AM Tuesday morning
I currently have what I think is insomnia...
I'm not entirely sure but for someone who has to get up for work at 7 AM Id think this is what you'd call insomnia...
It's time to try and get some sleep
I take the last hit from this cigarette and ash it on the balcony railing
I stand up and sluggishly walk towards the front door
As I walk inside I feel a chill brush behind me...
I choose to ignore it since I'm too tired to care
I strip. Plug my phone up to charge. Turn on the AC and lay down.
Finally feeling somewhat comfortable I close my eyes and see nothing but white
I open my eyes again a little shocked by it and try again.
It's pitch black under my eyelids now
Maybe that flash of white was just showing exactly how tired I truly am
As I start to fall asleep I can't move
I dont panic lowkey hoping I died
When I open my eyes I see myself

I think "is this a dream?? Am I trippin right now??"

I think back to an earlier conversation I had with a coworker about astral projection and sleep paralysis.

"There's no way I could've astral projected.... I thought one would have to study or read up on it to actually do it."

Still no panic from me as I glide around the room through my window into the night until I hear a loud thump from back inside
I rush back through the window into the house as I see myself on all fours growling and drooling with sharp fangs and what seems to be claws growing from my bleeding fingers

"Wtf is going on with my body!?"

The shell of myself looks up at me as if I'm being seen
I remember back to the convo with my coworker

*flash back*
" It's dangerous going into the astral plane because your body has no protection, something could posses your body while you're outside of if "


"Did something take over my body!?"

I glide full speed back into myself and it feels cramped
Like something else is inside me with me...
I scream to wake up my mom as I fight whatever is inside with me.
She wakes up and rushes into the living room

"Gary what the hell are you yelling for this early in the morning!?"


I feel something wrap around my neck I don't think I have full control of my body right now... whatever is in here with me isn't leaving
It turns my head slightly and growls at my mom

"Gary what the hell is going on with you!?"

I break free for a second and gain control of half of my face.
In a menacing voice I yell

"MOM *growl* RUN! LEAVE!"

She lunges for the front door next to her
The astral creature knocks me out of my body and leaps forward at her
I shake my head and glide full speed at myself again tackling my own body into the kitchen and entering my body once more.


She finally has enough time to leave as I try and fight myself off from within.
She frantically grabs the keeps hanging next to the front entrance, locks the door from the outside and wakes our neighbor to call 911.
As our neighbor answers the door my mother explains what she saw and heard... but they don't believe her
She doesn't have her phone. It's sitting on her nightstand in the house.....with me and whatever this thing is...
I start to calm myself as it's silent inside the house and inside myself
Until the creature appears.
It seems like we're both occupying my soul.
For hours I try to fight off whatever this thing is from gaining full control of my body until the sun rises and I regain control of myself.
The house is a mess.
The couch is torn to pieces.
Windows shattered.
TVs broken.
Doors torn off the hinges....

" Wtf did I do...?? "

" This couldn't have been a dream could it....?? "

I struggle to reach for the door... I'm scared to open it and I'm completely drained of energy but I manage to get outside.
My mother is gone.....
I fall to my knees...
And pass out....

" What happened to me..... "

(To be continued....??)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2023 ⏰

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