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Giyuu's POV

I sighed as I got out of the car, I was tired after a whole day of lawyering. Who knew that fighting everyday would be so exhausting.

I opened the door to be instantly hit with the delicious smell of homemade food, Sabito's homemade food. I set down my bag on the kitchen counter and went over to the counter where Sabito was making something that smelled heavenly.

"What smells so good?" I hummed as I wrapped my arms around his waist and hugged him from behind.

"Samosas, I was walking around the other day and I saw this greasy cart of samosas on the street and I bought one to try it and it was super greasy but it was good. And ever since then it's just been sitting in my head, I can make theses, but better. So I finally did and you're going to test them with me" he said as he took the raw samosas onto a plate and slid them into the air fryer.

"What if I don't like them?" I asked playfully.

"If you like them you'll eat them, if you don't like them you'll still eat them, and if you don't eat them I'll tie you down and shove them down your throat" he threatened sweetly.

"I'm sure they'll taste great, everything you make always tastes great" I said.

'Of course it will, it always tastes great. Except that one time he bought expired vegetables while he was drunk and didn't notice they had hair and cooked with them and we got food poisoning?' Bart chimed, I laughed at the memory of the ordeal.

"Hey look what came in the mail" Sabito said as he grabbed an opened envelope off the kitchen table and handed it to me.

I pulled the white little card with gold writing out of the envelope, "They set a date?" I asked as I looked at the letter.

"March 5th, at the plaza in downtown" Sabito said, "I never thought they'd get together, Zenitsu and Tanjirou never struck me for the gay type. But I'm happy for them, I want a March wedding, maybe June or July. They're nice months honestly, with spider lily flowers, lots of spider lilies" he said.

'He wants you to propose to him, you should get him a big rock' Bart chimed.

"Here, they're ready, try them, but be careful they're hot and a bit spicy" he said as he placed a plate with two samosas in front of me.

But I was just staring at them while thinking about what Bart had said. Did Sabito really want me to propose to him?

We'd been together for about eight years now, and now that I think about it, that is a lot of years to be dating someone. When the whole orphanage ordeal had blown over I was going to move to the city to go to school, I asked Sabito to come with me and he agreed instantly. Although at first Sabito was just going to take a gap year to get some experience in the real world before going to school and to make some money. And in that year he discovered his love for cooking and after a few months of going through cook books and online tutorials he found a job in a kitchen at a popular restaurant.

He got even better and never ended up going to school, he eventually became head chef at that restaurant and after several stunning reviews he was offered a better job as the head chef at an even more popular restaurant. He doesn't regret never going to school, he loves his job. I love his job too, he makes excellent food for me. And then he was headhunted again and offered an even better position as the sous chef at a luxury restaurant.

I went to college and then law school, and I graduated last year and now I'm an associate at a well known firm. Nothing much about it, but I usually prosecute gang type cases. I've been kidnapped, threatened and

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