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Rho's POV

I ran down the hallways as fast as I could, not daring to look back. My two hearts were thumping wildly in my chest as adrenaline pumped through my veins. I had decided only hours earlier that I didn't want to be the Time Queen anymore. It had only been a few days since the previous Time King had died and since he had been on his 13th regeneration the universe had somehow decided to pick me as his replacement which was absurd considering I was still technically considered a tot since I was still under a century old. When the new marking had shown up on my left arm I had done my best to keep it hidden which I had assumed would be easy since I was just an orphan living on the streets that most people ignored anyways but unfortunately one of the guards had spotted it and I had immediately been taken to the Capitol and been forced to listen to an hour long lecture of rules and other boring stuff that I wanted no part of. It might have been easier if I had been chosen during a time of peace but right smack in the middle of the most terrible war gallifrey had ever fought in? Hell no! I was still a kid and suddenly the entire planet was looking at me for reassurance and guidance. What the heck did I know about ruling over an entire planet! The thought terrified me. I turned a corner and found myself slamming into a hard surface, causing me to topple over onto my ass.

"Oh dear, are you okay?" A gentle voice asked as a hand was extended out to me. I looked up intent to see who I had crashed into but got distracted by the silver eyebrows that were in front of me. Now THOSE were some wicked eyebrows!

"Um I'm fine. Look I'm sorry I hope I didn't hurt you! But I really have to be going!" I said as I rushed to get back to my feet and glanced worriedly behind me.

"Oh it's you! Isn't it? It's really you!" The man in front of me suddenly exclaimed. The next thing I knew arms were wrapping around me and I was being lifted into a hug.

"Unhand me at once you oaf!" I said angrily as I pawed at him. He laughed but set me down all the same. "Who are you? I've never seen you around before..." I said nervous. He didn't look like any guard or soldier I had ever seen - the question remained, was he going to turn me in or could I continue my escape?

"No spoilers, little one. Where's the fun in that? But people call me "the doctor"."

I stared up at him but whipped my head around as I heard noises coming from behind.

"Quickly, in here!" The doctor said as he lifted me back into his arms and carried me through a side door. We crouched down and held our breath as the guards ran past.

"How, how did you know?" I asked him as he helped me back to my feet. I stared him down curiously as he just looked at me with this goofy grin on his face. He was also wearing sunglasses on his head which seemed a bit odd for someone his age but I wasn't one to give fashion advice considering I was dressed in rags.

"I'm the doctor, I know everything!" He said with a grin as he pointed to a type 40 tardis that was parked in the corner of the room. "I'm a bit busy at the moment but if you just go inside and wait for me I'll only be a few minutes. There wasn't a ton of options for me at the moment so I simply nodded as I watched the man leave the room. I crept forward staring at the tardis. She was disguised as some sort of blue box that said Police on it. I pulled on the door and she opened for me - humming happily as she greeted me telepathically. I stared around in awe as I looked at the inside and was about to ask if she could find me a chair to sit on when I got knocked back on my ass as the tardis was suddenly flung off into the time vortex. I panicked, not knowing what to do considering most tardis's couldn't just take off on their own. I sighed in relief as I felt her finally land.

I peeked my head out and could immediately tell that I was no longer on Gallifrey. I sniffed the air as I stepped out and hopped up and down - testing the gravity as I looked up at the sky above me. The minute I spotted the moon I realized I must have been taken to earth. I had never been anywhere but Gallifrey but I heard enough stories about earth to recognize it when I saw it. Before I could do anything else, I heard the sounds of a machine coming from behind me and turned around only to discover that the tardis was dematerializing. I groaned. Well I guess I was stuck here for now.

I walked down the streets glancing at everything trying to get my bearing. By human standards I looked to be about 5 or 6 years old so I had no excuse to be out this late at night, not that anyone was around to notice.

"Excuse me, excuse me, miss?" I heard a voice say from behind me. I turned around to spot a little girl around my age coughing as she pulled her jacket closer to her.

"Are you alright?" I asked her. She looked tired, cold, and was coughing up a storm.

"It's alright. It's quite alright. I'm dying, but I can fix that. It's easy really...see?" She giggled as she was suddenly bathed in regeneration energy. I stepped back - not having expected to find another time lord - well lady or tot like me I guess, on earth. Though I guess that wasn't a huge shocker. There were plenty of them to go around.

"Feeling better?" I grinned as the girl in front of me changed into another young girl only darker skinned.

"Much better, thanks!" She replied.

"What's your name?" I asked her as we started walking down the street together.

"Melody. Melody Pond. And yours?"

"I just go by Roxy," I told her. I smiled. I liked this girl even though we had only just met but could tell that we were going to get along great.

The Adventures of Time Queen RhoWhere stories live. Discover now