1:Before Shopping

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*Alicia's Point Of View*

"Alicia! Your phone is ringing!" My mother was obviously just trying to wake me up, because my phone isn't ringing.

"Mom! It's the first day of spring break... OH SHIT!" I hopped out of my bed as fast as I could and grabbed my phone, remembering my promise to my best friend.

"Pick up your phone, KT." I muttered as I dialed Kaity's phone number.

"You're late." Kaity said as soon as she answered.

Today was the first day of spring break, and I promised Kaity we would spend the day shopping for our spring break trip. We had been planning a trip to Florida on spring break of our senior year, we had been planning since middle school, and we also have been saving up for it, we put certain amounts of our money in two separate funds. We had two envelopes; one is what we call our Day Before The Trip fund, it's money for us to shop for a bunch of clothes and other stuff we are carrying with us for the trip, and the other is out Spring Break fund, which is the money for the way there, the hotel, the food, and anything else for the trip. We started earning money for doing chores and having yard sales and lemonade stands when we were in sixth grade, and continued to do that until the ninth grade, then we got jobs and worked our asses off, and we have an assload of money for the trip now. Seriously, six years of saving, don't you think you'd have an assload of cash? I kept the envelopes in a lockbox under my bed.

"How late?" I bit my lip as I bent down and got the lockbox from under my bed.

"Just kidding. You just woke me up. Remember, we said we'd get up at 6 A.M and start our shopping day?" She sounded like she was a little tired. I unlocked the lockbox and got the envelopes out, and set them on my bed before putting the lockbox away.

"Yeah..?" I put my glasses on.

"You're ten minutes early."

I looked at my alarm clock, she's right. It's only 5:50 in the morning.

"Sorry, KT. Didn't mean to wake you up earlier than necessary." I walked to my bathroom as we continued to talk on the phone. KT was my nickname for her, because it's her initials, and because it's basically her first name, but just sounds a little different, but she doesn't like it when anyone else calls her that, she only allows me to.

"It's okay. I needed to have already woken up. I'm gonna get ready. Wanna stay on the phone?" She questioned. I could tell she got up off her bed, because her bed squeaks when she moved.

"Duh. We can get ready while talking. We do it all the time." I laughed as I grabbed my hairbrush off of my vanity.

"True. Gimme a second. Gotta put you on speaker." Kaity said and there was like five seconds of silence.

I decided to put her on speaker too.

"So, what are you wearing today?" Kaity said.

"I don't know. I was gonna decide after I did my hair."

"Okay. Guess I'll see when you come over."


About five minutes later, I arrived at Kaity's house and we got in her car, and drove to the mall.


{Real quick authors note: The two main characters are based on me and a good friend. The character Alicia is me (obviously) and Kaity is jaitydiggs :). Umm, so yah.}

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