Getting Settled

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"We need a plan," Red said. "Yah" pewdiepie agreed. "Red, Pewdiepie, go hunting. Me and Teagan will get wood stone etc, k?" "Ok" The boys said in unison. Me and Teagan go off opposite direction of pewdiepie and red. "I'll get birch, you get oak?" I asked. "Sure".
Pewdiepie POV
"Watch out for the anorexic wizards, man." red laughed. "There skeletons." Pewdiepie sighed and stabbed a pig. "Mm, bacon." They said together.
----[][][] If you want to be in this, comment your name, hair color, eye color, and whatever you think I should know. Plus, comment on what youtuber to add to this :-)[][][][]------ •>• Time Skip Coz I'm Lazy •>•
Teagans POV
Me and cupquake got home a few minutes after Felix and Mario. "Aand were back!" I announced. We dropped our huge wood supply. "I'll build, you two cook" I said. Me and cupquake built a decent home for a a while.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2015 ⏰

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