gigi and blair drunk ;)

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idk how to feel about this one


i had to much to drink. it was blatantly obvious. i had lost harry and the other boys hours ago when i met up with gigi to go grab a drink, and now her and i were on the dance floor dancing to god knows what. harry was probably worried. he was just like that, but i didn't mind. i wasn't worried about that though. i was having a good time and nobody was going to ruin that. 

but as always somebody ruined it. 

a tall man with dark hair came up behind gigi, snaked his arm around her waist, and nuzzled his head in her neck as gentle as possible and said "i think its time to go now sweetheart. you're way to drunk"

"no zayn, blair and i are having a good time! don't be a party pooper!" she protested her boyfriend while slurring her words.

"yeah don't be a party pooper!" i yelled over the immense noise of the crowd.

"what happened to not drinking to much because you had to record songs tomorrow huh?" he questioned

"shut up" i simply stated. zayn was the one who always kept me in check. without him i'm sure simon would have killed me by now

"come on zayn just one more drink!" gigi asked

"absolutely not. you two are both coming with me whether you like it or not"

gigi and i made eye contact with each other hatching our plan to get out of this. in a split second we both took off running through the dance floor. as we ran we could still tell that zayn was right behind us but we didn't care. we were gonna lose him eventually. 

we slowly made our way through people not watching where we were going and quite frankly not caring where we were going. zayn was still hot on our trail and he was totally mad at us, but that just made everything even funnier. 

as i was looking back at zayn chasing us i ran into something and came to a halt. he turned around and there my boyfriend was. crap. and with that zayn had caught up and picked up gigi bridal style so she couldn't get away. she was laughing so hard she couldn't breath and was a complete mess in his arms. i watched as they left and felt a hand on my wrist.

"blair i've been looking for you for hours, where were you?" harry asked concerned and staring into my eyes

"i was dancing. speaking of dancing lets go dance" i said stumbling over words

"yeah no. we're going home"

"what! why?"

"you'll thank me later" he said pulling me through the crowd

"you are no fun"

we made our way through the party and were walking out the doors. thank god there wasn't papparazzi because i was drunk as shit. we both got into the back of his drivers car (him making sure i went in first because i was wearing a short dress).

harry told his driver that we were going back to his place and i felt like protesting because i wanted to go to mine, but i suddenly felt a wave of tiredness wash over me so i didn't bother.

we sat in silence for the car ride home mostly because i was slowly falling asleep on harry's shoulder and harry knew i wouldn't take in a word he would say at this point in my far from soberness.

i had mostly passed out against harry when he got to his apartment building so he carried me inside bridal style. 

when we got into his room he plopped me down on his bed and i quickly got comfortable

"hey come on we need to take off your makeup and get you a change of clothes" he said trying to pull me back up

"to tired" i said getting out of his grasp

"what if i bring you ice cream"

"deal" i said cooperating as harry picked me up and lead me to the bathroom placing me on the counter him standing in between my legs. 

he reached into his bathroom drawer which had now become my drawer because he bought all of the things i need to take off my make up and stuff like tampons and pads. after seeing me take of my makeup for three years of dating he pretty much had it down. he grabbed the cotton round and the makeup remover that i use and rubbed it on my face gently making sure he didn't hurt me in some way. after he had gotten all my makeup off successfully he continued on with my skin care as i sat there fighting the urge to fall asleep.

he pulled me off the counter and led me back into the room and sat me down on the bed squatting down to where we were eye to eye

"can you change your own clothes or do you need me to?" he said looking into my eyes

"mmmm you" i said

"okay" he walked to the other side of the room to grab one of his shirts for me to wear quickly so he could get back to me

"alright arms up" he said

i complied and put my arms up as he pulled my dress up and off of my body, following up with taking my bra off

"okay arms back up"

i put my arms up again as he put the shirt over my head

he squatted down so that i could see him again, "what ice cream flavor do you want?"

"whacha got?" i asked with a smile plastered across my face

"vanilla and chocolate"


"sorry angel that's all i got"

"hmmm both"

"both coming right up" he said kissing my forehead and exiting the room

i crawled to the top of the bed and got under the covers snuggling into the warm sheets. in about 30 seconds i was out.

i heard harry enter the room with my ice cream "silly girl" he muttered chuckling. he left the room and soon entered again. i heard him scramble around his room getting changed and what not. not long after he crawled into the bed next to me wrapping his arm around my waist pulling me to his warm bare chest.

"goodnight love" he whispered into my hair before sleeping. 


2 in one night?? who am i??

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