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"Excuse me? I know you don't think that shits true.", August says looking at her before pulling into her mother's driveway.

"August, she's almost three years old. You met me almost three years ago. She could've been born before or a little after you met me."

"Mmcht. Let me see the baby.", he says turning off the car.

"What's the bitch instagram?", she asks looking at him.

"How am I supposed to know?", he asks raising his eyebrow.

"She followed you didn't she?", she asks waving her phone at him.

"Yeah, but I blocked her remember?", he asks.

"Go to your block list, she'll be in there."

"Okay, here's her daughter.", she says turning her phone to him.

"You're kidding me, right?", he asks looking at the picture and at her. "She doesn't even look like me."

"And? KJ barely looks like you, yet he's still yours.", she says.

"We'll continue this conversation later.", he says getting out of the car.

"Can't believe this shit.", she says also getting out the car. "If I find out this bitch is lying and just tryna trap you, I'm beating her ass and you better not try to stop me."

"Wasn't planning on it.", he says waiting for her on the porch.

Walking up to the porch, she uses her keys to get in the house.

"Mama!", Ken yells.

"I'm upstairs!", Robin yells back.

Walking upstairs with August, she walks in her room and smiles when she sees Kaiden all dressed and ready to go home.

"Hey mama, hey my baby.", Ken smiles picking him up and kissing all over his face making him giggle.

"Hey Robin, how you doing?", he asks.

"I should be asking y'all that, came up in here looking like you wanna kill each other. Everything okay?", Robin asks.

"Yeah mama, everything's fine. We've just had a long day.", Ken says hoisting Kaiden up on her hip.

"Yeah, everything's cool.", Aug says nodding.

"Okay.", she nods slowly. "It's starting to get dark out so go ahead and get home.", she says handing August Kaiden's diaper bag.

"Alright, we'll see you later mama. I love you.", she says hugging her.

"I love you too sweetie.", she says hugging her back.

"Kennedy don't start that yelling shit, my son sleeping. If you wake him up, I swear-", he starts, getting cut off.

"You swear what?", she asks, hearing him go mute. "It's always something with you August. I can never catch a fucking break.", she sighs, sitting down on the couch.

"The fuck is you talking about? I told you that baby ain't mine.", he says.

"Are you for sure though?", she asks looking up at him.

"I- no.", he sighs.

"Exactly.", she says standing back up. "Until you find out, you not sleeping with me.", she says starting to walk past him.

"See now you trippin.", he says watching her walk away.

"Am I?", she asks walking back to him. "Should've learned how to keep your dick in your pants and I wouldn't have to trip."

"You of all people wanna pull that card on me? Really?"

"I wasn't fucking nobody else! I wasn't fucking anybody! You knew it was only you so don't even try it.", she says taking a deep breath and closing her eyes. "You know what? I'm done talking about this. Talk to the bitch, get a DNA test, and I swear if that baby's yours...", she scoffs, saying nothing more and walking upstairs.

"Fuck.", he mumbles to himself rubbing a hand down his face and walking to the couch.

"You're really thinking about divorcing him if you find out the baby's his?", Angel asks on the phone with Ken.

"I don't want to take things that far, but I can't stomach the thought or reality of him having another baby by somebody. Especially that bitch? Nah.", Ken says shaking her head.

"Ken, are you sure that it's really the fact that it's a possibility that he has another baby that's bothering you or is it the fact that it's possible you weren't the first to have his baby? Be honest.", she asks.

"Both, but mostly the fact that I didn't have his baby first. I mean, I was the first of everything, Angel. His first public girlfriend, first woman he married, hell I was even the first woman who convinced him to get matching tattoos. It was all supposed to be me.", she says.

"I hear you, but you gotta understand this.. The baby was made before you were even in the picture, meaning that whatever happened with them before you holds no weight to you now. And even if you weren't the first to have his baby, you're still wifey.", she chuckles, making her smile. "That man loves you, everyone can see it. Just like everyone can see that you love him. I know it'll be hard to get past, but y'all will. Y'all always do, you are two of the strongest people I know.", she says.

"Thank you Angel, seriously.", she says sniffling.

"Stop that crying shit, you're welcome. You know I always got you. I'll talk to you later, okay?", she asks.

"Okay, love you.", she says.

"Love you more.", she says hanging up.

Sighing, she lays back and looks at the empty spot next to her.

- Meanwhile -

"You one sick ass bitch, you know that? You know that baby ain't mine, you just tryna fuck up my marriage.", August says on the phone with Leah.

"That is so rude to say to the mother of your child.", she chuckles bitterly. "Anyways, I could careless about your marriage. My daughter just needs her daddy in her life, that's all."

"Look, I ain't call you to listen to your delusions. I set up a doctors appointment for Tuesday at 2. You and Miyanna, (her daughter) be there. My wife will be there with me, so don't you dare try no slick shit with me or her or she will beat the daylights out of you and I won't even try to stop her. Bye.", he says hanging up the phone and tossing it next to him.

Damn, we went so long without drama now look at us..

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