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Disclaimer: I do not own any of Disney princesses. They belong to the Walt Disney Company.


Time flew by and it was already October, in fact, 31st of October, Halloween. For this special occasion, the palace every year host a party in costumes. It was more like a ball, except everyone was dressed in a different costume.

Anastasia loved holidays in general. So naturally, she was excited about the ball. But the problem was, that she didn't know what to wear or rather which costume to choose. 

"What if we all dress as princesses?" Sophie said.

"That's actually a pretty good idea" Tyla answered.

Sophie, Tyla, and Elisa were Anastasia's closest friends, they met in high school. Since then, they were inseparable, most of their time in school and free time as well, they spend together. Sophie, Tyla, and Elisa were the greatest friends one could ask for, they were kind, caring, honest, loyal, and always ready to help. They were real friends.

"So, Disney princesses?" Elisa asked.

"Yes, but who is gonna be who?" Anastasia replied.

"You could be Anastasia!" Sophie said pointing at  Anastasia.

"Very funny," Anastasia replied.

"Well, you are already a real-life princess," Tyla teased.

"But who would be your Dimitri?" Elisa continued.

"Stop all of you. I would like to see every single one of you as a real princess, then we'll talk."  Anastasia replied.

"Well, that would be amazing." Tyla sighed.

"Oh, to live in a castle" Elisa sighed too.

"And have people bow to you." Sophie continued.

"For the love of God, would all of you stop," Anastasia said, now a little frustrated.

"But it's so fun teasing you." Elisa turned to her.

"Yeah, that's our hobby." Tyla laughed.

"Back to costumes, girls. Otherwise, we will run out of time." Sophie changed the topic of conversation.

"Right. I will dress as Rapunzel." Tyla said.

"I will go as Merida," Elisa replied.

"I always wanted to be Belle." Sophie continued.

"What about you Anastasia?" Elisa looked at her.

"I will dress as Aurora." Anastasia decided.

"So it's settled then. Now we need to look for costumes." Tyla replied.


"It's just won't fit! This dress is too small!"  Anastasia almost yelled and sat down on the floor of the fitting rooms.

"Then try another one, one has to fit." Sophie tried to help Anastasia stand up.

"What about this one?" Elisa brought a dress in.

"Fine." Anastasia took a dress.

When Anastasia came back wearing a dress, there was silence.

"You are stunning." Tyla almost screamed.

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