Aul opinions

186 4 19

Dum isn't a bad character, most of y'all just hate her because she's dating Captain💀

TransFem Les and TransMasc Gay=Sheriff and Angel

I don't get why people will think captain is a pedo or something cause he dated dum, just bc she sounds like a kid doesn't mean she is one.. Plus why would gametoons make a problematic couple (it's been confirmed that everyone is a adult expect obviously Franklin and Timmy) and people could go to college at any age😦


Aul<Any other Gametoons logic series(no offense)

Gentlecheese is kinda toxic
(so is playnoob)

Earlier Aul videos were kinda better

Just bc noob is a bad character(personality) doesn't mean her character is bad(plus that means how well they did with her character if people are able to hate her, shows how good they made her character) I just like her cause she's interesting as a character  idk

I ran out so part 2 probably tomorrow 💀

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