Chapter 15

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(Giyuu pov)

I patiently waited for Y/n at the gate, she finally showed up after a good five minutes. Just as we were about to leave I heard a faint yell ,"Wait!", turning around only to see a running shinobu , I sighed as she ran to Y/n but as I continued watching I swore I saw shinobu sneak a glare at me but I just shook it off.

We finally left to head east where there was reporting of missing boys. I glanced over at Y/n who had a soft smile on her face which made me smile a little, Y/n was like a little sister to me even  though I don't admit it she still is someone I want to have by my side which also caused me to remember what I saw earlier. Shinobu slightly glared at me earlier which I couldn't figure out why but I also had this bad feeling inside my gut thats telling me to keep a close eye on her.

(End of Giyuu pov)


We made it to our destination around the evening so the sun was already setting. 

"we should look from above to see if we get some sort of a lead" I nodded agreeing with him, I leaped onto the roof running while observing. I spotted three boys leaving the town and into the woods with lanterns, I glanced at giyuu and he nodded in response.

I continued to follow the kids from above, they looked like they were trying to find something but what could they possibly be doing in the woods this time a night. I stopped once they stopped moving cause they saw a frog and started chasing after it while I looked ahead, leaping toward a tree further to get a closer look then gasped once I saw it... lots of corpses of the boys that have gone missing then once my mind pieced it all together I rushed back towards the boys that were chasing the frog.

Giyuu was still watching the boys closely, I stood beside him and whispered in his ear what I just witnessed and he simply nodded. I snapped my head down once I heard a scream from one of the kids making me rush into the scene. I jumped in front of them with my sword unleashed while giyuu stood in front of me as the demon was now in view.

Sighing to myself as I looked at the demons eyes presenting "Lower moon 4".

"Y/n take the kids to safety", I nodded then grabbed all the kids running back to the town.

"T-thanks for saving us" one of the boys spoke looking down as if he would cry, I smiled then knelt down to his level .

"Of course its my job , but make sure not to go out in the woods late at night ok", I watched as they nodded then ran about in the town. I frowned as I made my way back to giyuu praying to god that he was alright.

I sighed in relief as I saw him battling with the demon uninjured but I couldn't let him do all the work, leaping down onto my feet making my way to giyuu readying my position. I saw the demon take a look at me then dashed towards me full speed with his fist ready but I dodged it easily , it swiftly u-turned around to aim at me again but built up a few rocks around its fist so  making the punch more dangerous.

"Breath of Snowflake, First form Snowflake shuriken", I positioned my sword, throwing my sword through the demons shoulder making its arm fall.  I then dashed forward leaping above the demon to grab my sword from the tree , as I faced back around the demons fist was one centimeter from my face but luckily I ducked rolling away.

I flipped backwards to to dodge all the flying rocks that were being sent my way but one managed to land a hit on my leg making me hiss in pain then landing harshly on it after.

 I leaned on the tree for support still feeling the sharp pain in my leg, I looked back up to see the demon running towards me but my sword was dropped when I landed, just as a huge rock was about to hit my face giyuu was already in front of me.

"Breath of Water, First form Water Surface Slash" one single slash and the rock was cut in two, I panted walking toward my sword while ignoring the immense pain in my leg. 

I bent down to grab my sword but ended up feeling a sharp pain in back as I was sent flying a bush.

"Y/N!" I heard giyuu yell but my vision started to get slightly blury due to hitting my head harshly onto the ground.

I stood back up slowly but fell on my knees feeling the immense pain in my lower back. I looked over and saw giyuu but when I looked in his eyes I could tell he was furious.

The demon then started to rush towards giyuu but I couldn't tell what happend next when everything just went black...


(Giyuu pov)

I saw as the demon sent Y/n flying into a push, I could instantly feel the rage in by body as I stared coldly at the demon.

After it sent Y/n flying it turned its attention on me dashing forward collecting rocks onto its fist creating a sharp end to it.

"Breath of Water, Sixth form Whirlpool", I shouted slightly watching at the demons body was shredded from top to bottom slicing its head in the process. Its body started to disappear into ashes while its head faded away slowly.

"Much deserved for hurting my sister,..go to hell!", I said lowly then rushing towards Y/n seeing that was she unconscious, I picked her up bridal style seeing that her right leg was terribly damaged then started rushing to the Butterfly estate which might take till dawn.

(End of giyuu pov)

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