Regular Life episode 45: Feral

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After a strange moon called The feral moon shines on Jeremy, Chad and the rest of the band as well as some refugees, they all get turned into feral animals and birds, losing their ways of acting human. Shelby, who isn't affected by the moon because she's mythological, has to keep her feral friends from becoming extremely wild while fending off a beastly predator for a whole day until the moon returns.

Chapter 1: Fear the moon

"Why did I think eating those wings was a good idea?" Grayson asked herself. She had been suffering from a headache after binge eating a lot of chicken wings from Wing Kingdom. She thought taking a shower at the newly built shower building would make her feel better. But after she took one, I didn't work. Slasher had seen her come out of the shower, all soaking wet. He gave her a towel.

"Showering won't work," Slasher said to Grayson. "Bed rest is the best idea. I see that you're enjoying the shower system."

"Yea, no more venturing 10 minutes away to use one that's secluded in the forest," Grayson. Complained as she put the towel on. "This place is a camp. The refugees prefer to be washed the old fashioned way. Cold water and a rag in a bucket with soap. Only a few people use the new shower system."

"We can't please everyone," Slasher said to Grayson. "We're working as hard as we can to please people. If they want it, we will comply. We don't want them to be disappointed."

"Seriously?!" Grayson asked Slasher. "Leaguegend and Quest Camp have merged! So now it's an expansion!"

"It may be an expansion but we're helping those who need it," said Slasher. "Here in California, we do what we can to make refugees feel welcomed. And if they want to leave and make a living, we allow it as long as there is someone watching over them. It's to ensure their safety. We're doing what we were created to do." "Well you're not doing enough," scoffed Grayson. "You couldn't even afford to run this camp."

Slasher sighed and said to Grayson; "I need you to get your friends together. We need to talk about something." "What will we talk about?" asked Grayson. "You'll find out," said Slasher. "Just bring them."

Grayson dried herself with her towel and obeyed Slasher, bringing her friends to the cavern, where Slasher was waiting. He wasn't alone. Jerico and Maddy were there too.

"What a full house," Grayson said to the crowd. She angrily glared at Maddy.

Maddy saw Grayson and scooted away from her.

"I'm glad to see you all here," Slasher said to the group. "Tonight is a very important night."

"What's tonight about?" Jeremy asked Slasher. "It's something to fear," said Slasher. "Tonight is the night of The feral moon."

"The feral moon?" asked Ioni. "I've never heard of it."

Jerico felt a shudder go down his spine.

"The feral moon is a moon that happens every 24 years," said Slasher. "When it shines on anthropomorphic animals, it devolves them into feral creatures for an entire day."

"I remember being told by Dale about Melody's story," Jerico said to Jeremy. "But Devin said Melody was born evil," said Jeremy. "That's what she wants you to believe," said Jerico. "But that's not true. She never wanted you to know the truth while you were at Railroad Prison Camp so she told people the false truth. Only me and Dale knew but weren't allowed to say anything."

"Why is my mother evil then?" Maddy asked Jerico. "Melody was born as a normal tiger quoll," said Jerico. "She didn't have any malice or evil in her. She was sweet and kind and she loved being with her parents. Her name actually meant something back then. But then... one night, The feral moon rose from the sky and shined upon her, causing her to act wild, all animalistic and predatory. She did hunt for small creatures. But when she saw a large predator attack a large bird, she was enamored by this and wanted to do the same thing.

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