ten minus one

7 0 0

Handing out the cup to the old lady, she smiled and thanked me for serving it to her. I may be forced to do this job, but it's a lie when I say I don't enjoy it.

"Hey, Jimin, you can take a break. I'll take over." Ari spoke, as I simply nodded. I removed my light blue apron after I served myself with some strawberry fro-yo with sprinkles on top. I mean, how can I not? Employees here get their fro-yo free of charge after all.

I placed my headphones on, playing on some of my favorite tunes as I sat down on one of the comfortable couch-like chairs in the shop.

I was a bit too immersed with the music though, to the point where I did not even realise the sudden presence of a woman sitting in front of me for a moment. "Y/n?"

"Hy Jmin," I heard her speak the moment I took off my headphones, her words muffled due to her mouth stuffed with frozen yogurt and blueberries.

"What are you doing here?"

"What el—"

"No, sitting in front of me."

I hear her scoff, most probably because of the fact that I interrupted her. "Y'know, I was going to give you a gift but I think I'll keep it to myself." I watched her with confusion as she continued enjoying her fro-yo.


Y/n rolled her eyes, taking a white box from her bag, and placing it in front of me afterwards. "It's a peace agreement."

"A box of chocolate... with one piece missing?"

"Ugh. It was a buy one-take one deal for 29 dollars, and obviously, I've eaten the other box, and I found a specific piece of chocolate really good so naturally I took another from your box."

"29 dollars? Holy-"


With the woman's statement, I immediately took a piece from the box— the heart one, and popped it in my mouth.

"You're right, it is really good— hold on, how do I know I'm not about to die from food poisoning?"

"Oh, you don't want it?" she teased, as I jokingly slapped her hand away from the box. "I thought this was our peace agreement? Or do you want me to continue spitting on your fro-yo?"



hello! I hope you're not too bored so far. the ups and downs of the plot will start to show soon, dw :D

also, that photo on top of the 9 chocolates are edited by me, idk if you noticed that I drew over it but it used to be a pic of a full box of chocs:

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