A Nasty Start

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Dumbledore found guilty! Murders own brother!
Harry giggled. He'd picked it up from Narcissa, a habit that was beginning to greatly annoy him, as each time he did so there was always someone to describe it as 'cute' or 'adorable'. Harry was a necromancer. He was neither cute nor adorable. But in this case, it was certainly apt. The break had been wonderful, becoming ever closer with his new family. The first time he'd been addressed as his full name, he'd been ecstatic. A letter from Hogwarts , to one Harrison Potter Black Peverall Malfoy. It was a mouthful, but it felt entirely him! The letter itself contained good news also. Lucius had spoken to McGonagall, the temporary headmistress and had easily convinced her to allow Harry home as he chose. Not only did it provide a quick escape if things became difficult, he would be able to spend weekends with Tom, who had surprisingly decided to redecorate riddle Manor himself.

"Harry?" Draco was unsurprised to find his brother in the library once again, this time hunched over a paper. He'd seen the article of course, at breakfast this morning, and whilst it was wonderful news, his parents and Harry had seemed particularly gleeful. Draco could be rather self-obsorbed sometimes, but he wasn't blind. Anyone could see that something was going on. Ever since he'd been made aware of Harry's necromantic skill, he'd become more suspicious of his own father. What use would he have with a necromancer for his own gains. Now, Draco was dark, he had been from the moment he was born. He was a Malfoy. But he'd never cast a dark spell, and had never truly hurt someone. He wasn't sure if he ever could, and yet it seemed as though his family were involved with such things. Of course, the dark Lord was dead, but what was to stop a new dark Lord from rising, from another war beginning. And he was sure both his father and new brother would be right there in the battlegrounds. And Draco wasn't sure if he would join them. He was drawn from his musings by a hand gripping his shoulder, and he looked up to see his father behind him. "Honestly Draco, how long does it take to fetch Harry, he's always here." The aforementioned child looked up upon hearing his name, grinning and walking over to stand besides them. "Is it time to go already?" Lucius nodded, gently guiding them out the library to depart. "Unfortunately."

Harry laughed at Draco's comment, before looking back up at Lucius. "Are you sure you won't be teaching this year? You always end up taking over anyway!" The aristocrat smirked at that, looking down. "That is usually to do with you Harrison. And no, I'm afraid not. With all the bills and reformations happening lately I do not have time. I'm sure a suitable replacement has been found though. And you know the both of you can return whenever you wish, ensuring your grades do not suffer of course." Harry nodded, still rather dejected that he would not see Lucius every day. There were positives of course. The reforms and bills going through only freed the leash on dark magic, and with Dumbledore gone, Harry could see his friends and family whenever he pleased.

The journey to the station was a silent one, the close knit family feeling disparaged at the thought of separating. With a hand on their shoulder from Lucius and a short but tight hug from Narcissa, the two wizards boarded the train, waving out the window as it pulled away. Despite the low mood, they smiled as their friends appeared, and soon the group were sat together, chatting as if not a moment had passed since they'd last met. Harry sighed content at his surroundings. Daphne was once again leant against him as she spoke to pansy. Luna was sat beside him, braiding his hair quietly whilst humming to herself. Beside Pansy sat Theo, who was speaking excitedly to Draco and Blaise sat across from him. Terry and Lisa sat across from Harry too, asking him questions about his summer. He gave vague details of his birthday and the trip to Paris, omitting any information on Voldemort and Dumbledore.

The topic of the old headmasters arrest had been the heart of chatter with Hogwarts students, and mentions of the scandal could still be heard as the entered Hogwarts' halls. The group separated to sit at their own tables and Harry allowed his mind to wonder as the first years were sorted. His girl was curled comfortably around his neck, and she would occasionally provide a whispered comment here and there. The new humans are so small, Shesha could have them as a meal! He knew she was only half joking, as the snake had grown substantially over the last two years. Her tail had begun to hang past his shoulder, and soon he would no longer be able to carry her around as he once had. You can't eat the first years my dear. She hissed wordlessly before settling down, and Harry would have continued daydreaming had Luna not called his attention. She held onto his arm tightly, and he frowned as he saw her glazed eyes. "Luna, what is it? What can you see?" He whispered so as to not garner his friends attention. Whilst they knew of his necromancy it was not his place to reveal Luna's secret. "The lone wolf has returned to his den, and the grim shall follow. Be careful Harry, they are watching." It made little sense, but most warnings from Luna rarely did. He nodded, memorising the words and taking them to heart, before turning back to face the teachers tables.

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