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"FATHER, why is Hades no longer here?" Persephone asked her father Zeus as she regained consciousness.

"That was Hades' wish. He waited for you, thinking you might stop him, but it took too long, and he thought you had no intention of doing so. In his final moments with us, only one being was on his mind— you, Persephone. He entrusted you to us and made a sacrifice. He believed it was better for him not to see you again so that neither of you would suffer any more."

"Why did he do that?"

"He wanted you to be happy again. When he talked to me, he said that since he brought you to the underworld, you were always in despair, despondent if you weren't visited. He did everything to make you happy, but there came a day when he told himself he didn't want to see you suffer any more. He didn't want to see you miserable because of him."

"Why did he have to do that?" Her mind was filled with questions, questions that needed answers.

"A supreme god or goddess cannot descend from their throne unless they pass it on to their child. Hades have no child, and since gods can't die, the law states that the only way for him to relinquish his duty is by abandoning his immortal figure, in doing so he will be a mortal and forget everything about the gods and goddesses, as well as Olympus, our kingdom."

"So, Hades will born as a mortal?" He nodded at her.

"Like any mortal, he will be born, he will age, but he won't remember anything about Olympus, and he won't even remember you."

"Is there any other way to bring him back here and make him remember everything?"

"I'm sorry, but there isn't." Her father bowed his head, and she couldn't help but shed tears over what was happening.

He turned away from her, but suddenly stopped and faced her again, as if remembering something.

"I remembered that there is a way, Persephone, if in his rebirth, he wholeheartedly accepts being a god again—an immortal—he will return to Olympus. However, this will only happen if he is born again as a mortal, and he must be at the right age when it occurs."

"When will that be, Father?"

"That is something I do not know. There are things, even I, cannot answer."

'HOW many years has it been since you were gone? I have lost count. I still can't understand why, just when I started loving you, you disappeared. Why have I only realized it now? I am filled with regrets and I know that no matter what questions I ask, you won't answer any more.'

Persephone can't help but weep. 'Wherever you are, Hades, there are things I didn't say to you back then that I wish I could say now, things I don't know if I'll ever even get a chance to say, they've explained everything to me, but it seems like I still can't comprehend. Maybe it's also my fault because I hurt you too much, I ignored you too much, and I failed to see the love you had for me.'

'Hades, I will wait for you, no matter how long, no matter how painful, even if every night I dream of your smiles, the words of love you uttered...'

'I love you, Persephone...' Back then, I resented you because you didn't want me to leave your side, but now, I desperately want to hear those words again.

'We are meant for each other, you are made for me, as I am for you.' Those memories, both heart-warming and heartbreaking, bring a unique joy when I think about them, joy because they bring a different kind of happiness when I reminisce. Sadness because when will I hear you say those words to me again?'

"Sometimes I wonder if all of this is my fault?" Persephone turned to the voice, it was Eros.

He sat beside her, holding a bow with an arrow, he handed it to her, and she saw that the arrow has her name engraved on it, but it seemed like that arrow had been around for a long time, appearing dirty and hidden.

"What is this?" she asked in amazement.

"That arrow is what I shot into Hades' heart. No person or god can remove that arrow from their chest. When Hades disappeared, that arrow was the only thing left with me. I hid it, thinking I might need it someday." He smiled at her.

"Why? Why is that?" She started crying again, wiping away tears with her hands. "It's frustrating, you know. I just realized now that I love him..."

"You are destined to love, Persephone. I've known it all along, but I was always restrained by your mother, Demeter. And I was too late when I had the chance to do so, and it was only when Poseidon talked to you that I found the chance and finally struck you with my arrow. Persephone, I don't know what will happen tomorrow. The only things I know are about love, like who you will love, who is destined for you."

"You're not to blame, Eros. It's not always you causing it. There are other things and feelings besides love, like concern, care, and appreciation, those feelings are beyond your control. We ourselves feel them, but I chose to ignore those feelings for Hades. I believe this punishment is just for me..." She smiled at him.

"Everything will be fine..." he said, holding her hand. "Like the world, that goes in a circle, it is not always in sadness or happiness. I believe you'll find him, and you'll be happy, too." He looked at her and smiled again.

'He's right. I will find you. And when that day comes, I won't let you go.'

"Persephone!" She heard her brother Hermes calling her as he landed on the ground from flying. "Eros, you're here too," he smiled and looked at her.

"I have good news for you, Persephone." She felt a surge of hope and smiled.

It's as if the whole surroundings lit up, the plants and flowers grew more and danced with every gust of wind.

Maybe this is it...


"He has been born..."

Soul Of A Greek GodWhere stories live. Discover now