Chapter 5

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The day of my first ultrasound came, and to say that I'm stressed is an understatement.

I just want everything to be alright with this baby because it's already been through enough due to my contraceptives.

If I messed this up and got Aaron's hopes up for nothing, I might as well disappear from the face of the earth because I won't be able to handle his angry and sad looks towards me.

When I returned from work today, I had some time to rest but Aaron is running a little late today. I tried to call him but my calls went straight to voicemail. So I leave alone and I call him one more time before I get to my car.

"Josephine!" I hear and I turn around
"I'm here" Aaron says as he walks to me

"I tried to call you" I say

"Yeah, I'm sorry, my phone died and I didn't realize that the time passed" he says

"It's ok, you made it just in time" I say and he lets out a small sigh of relief.

"Let's go" I say tossing him the keys to my car and I go to the passenger's side.
He smiles and gets in the car.

The drive was a bit awkward and it was obvious that none of us were sure of what to say or how we should act.

When we got to the clinic, he started massaging my shoulders softly as we walked from the car, inside.
"What are you doing?" I ask

"Relaxing you a little bit. Everything will be ok" he says

"I'll believe it when I see it" I say as we get inside.

"Hello, how can I help you?" the nurse says as we approach

"I have an appointment with Dr. Addison Montgomery. Josephine Heart" I say

"Yes..." she says as she checks it "Follow me" she adds and we follow her to the examination room.
"You can change and the doctor will be with you shortly" she says and leaves us.

"I'm gonna go and wait outside for you to change" Aaron, who was quiet until now, says.
He is still so respectful.

I undressed from the waist down and I wear the provided covers. Then I knock on the door letting him know that I'm ready. Aaron comes back inside and helps me get on the bed.

"I hope that you know what a transvaginal ultrasound is" I say

"From the word transvaginal, I'm guessing it's through the vaginal canal, probably because external scans can detect an embryo 12 weeks or older" he says

"Exactly" I say happily that I didn't have to explain it to him. I love it when he knows things.

Dr. Montgomery comes in "Hi Jo" she says as she closes the door

"Hi Addy" I reply

"You must be the Agent Hotchner" she says to Aaron

"Just Aaron, please" he says as they shake hands.

"Ok. You just relax and we can get started" she says as she sits down.

I open my legs under the cover as she wears her gloves and prepares the probe.

I let out a stressed breath and I keep my eyes away from Aaron, thinking that it might be less awkward that way.

"I'm going to insert the probe now. You might feel uncomfortable at first but you will get comfortable really soon" she says and I nod.

It was indeed uncomfortable at first so I tighten my grip. Aaron notices it and takes my hand. I look at him and he smiles.

"Here we go" she says and turns the monitor to us.

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