Chapter 2

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The big day was tomorrow and Charlotte could feel herself getting very excited. She sat at her desk in her room doodling. Her dress hung on the door the hat attached to the hanger, shed tried it on at least a hundred times since they got home with it. Her leg jiggled with anticipation. Charlotte hopped up and went to find her mother.
She spotted her just outside the window sitting in the mild october air with Jamie. Charlotte slipped on her fleece and stepped outside.
"Mom!" Her mother jumped a little in her chair her knee bumping the table next to her. "Hey can I go to the park?"
"Lottie it's almost dark, you'd only have an hour at best, and that includes getting there and comming back."
"Well can I go for a walk then?" Charlotte asked. Her mother looked up at the sky and then at the empty streets seeming to consider the request.
"I guess thats alright, but you need to go get your pepper spray and your good tennys on," she pointed to the house. "And you better be back in like half an hour." Charlotte squealed in delight.
"Awesome, thanks mom." She gave her mom a big squeeze and took off to get her shoes and pepper spray.
As soon as she was ready she dashed out the door and down the street. She was headed straight for Milly's house. Milly's house was one block over on the very corner of the sreet.  Charlotte knocked on the door and smiled big when she saw her friend. Milly had big poofy hair that twisted and twirled. Charlotte often thought that there was something hiding in her friends hair but she never said anything about it. Her mother said if you didn't have anything nice to say you just didnt say anything.
"Lottie?" Milly rubbed her hands together. "What's up?"
"Do you want to go for a walk with me?" Charlotte grinned up at her. "Please?" she pleaded.
"I'm sorry Lottie my mamma's got me cleaning the house t'day so's we can go out trick-or-treating tomorow."Milly smilled apologetically.
"Oh, wait, you don't get to go by yourself?"
"No, my mamma says that about as dangerous as stickin' yur hand in'a hole in the ground. Never know what'll happen." Milly looked past Charlotte down the street. A gust of wind picked up and Molly shivered. "I gotta go 'for mamma gets her panties twisted." They gave eachother a quick squeeze and the the door was in Charlottes face.
Charlotte didn't know what else to do so she set off down the street in search of houses she could hit tomorrow night. She'd been gone nearly 30 minutes now and her feet were getting sore. She spotted a house at the very end of the road. The driveway was packed with boxes and furniture. A great yellow moving truck sat at the street, the back tire on the curb. She edged closer not wanting to be caught staring, curiosity getting the better of her. A small woman came into view, struggling to get the furniture into the house. Charlotte knew she wasn't supposed to talk to strangers but she also knew it would be polite to offer a hand. She looked around straining to see if there was anyone else at the house to help the lady. Seeing noone she got a little braver. Charlotte prided herself on being a good helper. Maybe her mom would reward her for helping the lady. She looked at her wrist watch, then at the sky. It wasnt dusk yet and she had ten more minutes before it hit half an hour. She was sure her mom wouldn't be mad if she was only a couple minutes late especially if it wasn't dark yet. So she called out to the lady.
"Ma'm do you need help?" She hollered from the curb. The woman smiled, her eyes crinkled at the edges. She pulled her long blonde hair into a tail at the crown of her head.
"Actually yes, that'd be nice," she looked around. "Wheres your parents?"
Charlotte didn't want to give the lady any more information than she should so she responded carefully.
"My moms up the street," a small white lie. "I can help for a minute but I have to head home as soon as I can after."
"Oh," the lady nodded. "Well get over here just help me with this one and I can get the rest in."
So they moved in the couch and it took no time as Charlotte was strong for her age. The lady thanked her and Charlotte made her way home feeling very proud of herself.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2021 ⏰

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