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this chapter is going to keep switching from first person pov to third!!!!

this is a modified version everything in this book will not be the same as before love you all!!!!

"please leave me the fuck alone" blessing shouted at her drugged out mother. things between these two had never been good blessing had always resented her mother for not being able to provide,like most girls moms.

"who do you think your talking to like that little girl i am still your mother and you will not disrespect me," her mother yelled blessing mother never thought she would have such an unruly little girl with so much fire and anger built inside her once precious little girl had turned into a fire cracker that she somewhat hated.

"im talking to you im so sick of this... of you of everything," blessing snapped but not before her mother slapped the spit out of her mouth this was blessing last straw she has had enough of the emotional physical and mental abuse that she had tolerated for so long in silence never uttering a word. she grabbed everything she needed dialing her grandmother in cali

"uhm hello" her granny voice rang through the phone making blessing burst into tears she was tired she was drained she had no-more fight in her

"whats wrong is everything okay,"

"no i have to get away from here from her i have to leave or im going to snap"

"calm down u just have one more day and you are coming with us wootie nunu and jayla will be right there to pick you up from the airport"

"i dont think i can wait that long granny she is evil pure evil,"

" thats still your mother now try and get some rest ill see you tomorrow,"

after we hung up i sat on the park bench debating on if i really want to go back to this house and deal with this craziness i reluctantly did just that deep into my thoughts


i heard someone call my name from across the street i looked up to see Rambo, people call him that because he was bat shit crazy all i know is he had killed a few people and has yet to spend a day in jail and that is just the streets talking but i know personally it was more than that he was feared in the hood and by many but for me he was a big ole softy.

"boy dont be screaming my name like you are insane people may be looking for me,"

"like who the girls scouts," he laughed showing those perly white teeth he was so damn fine and every girl on this block wanted him including me but he will never know that beca as soon a i did. bitches will come flying out the trees trying to fight me just for saying that and i wasnt in a fighting mood today.

"dont play boy you know im grown," i chuckled nudging his shoulder

"grown what a couple of inches...maybe" he laughed even harder i rolled my eyes sick of his jokes i was just ready to face the music i tried walking off but her caught my wrist

"what do you want rambo i have other shit to deal with,"

"you look beautiful," he complimented me making me blush hard ass fuck

"your not so bad yourself..." i nudged him before walking off and going about my day. but when i got to the house i had an u easy feeling something bad was going to happen and i knew it but upon my better judgment i open the door ready to face the music

I NEED A HERO (AUGUST ALSINA LOVE STORY)Where stories live. Discover now