(Chapter 1) - The Crash Down

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(Phoenix) POV

(Flash back)

A little girl is running through the desert, she didn't know where she came from, she didn't know who or what she was, all she remembered was waking up on a very large rock, she found a road and began to follow it, it seemed like forever until a brown police truck pulled up behind her, she stopped and turned around as the truck came to a halt. A sheriff stepped out and walked up to the girl, "hello there, are you alright little one?" He took off his jacket and wrapped it around the shivering girl, she didn't respond, she didn't know how, he picked her up and took her down to the station, from there she was taken to an orphanage, it didn't take long for her to be adopted by the Parkers, Chosing to go with online schooling she grew up secluded and hidden, until her sister finally convinced her to sign up for normal highschool.

(End of flashback)

I sighed as I looked down at the pad and wrote down orders, Mariah stood next to me and talked about how I needed to go out and get clothes since I had made the decision to try out highschool instead of online schooling, she had no idea why I chose online schooling this whole time, but it needed to stay that way. Liz came up behind me, "max Evans is staring at you sis" I laugh, "is that so?" I glance up and see the well known raven haired boy, sitting at a booth with his friend, Michael Garrett I believe, staring at me. He quickly glanced down and I chuckled as I looked away, "liz, you know that I can't go into the dating pool, normal guys don't like me" we share a knowing look, she sighs, "you should at least give it a shot, maybe you two might click" I shake my head, Mariah rolls her eyes at my response and goes to serve two men who seem to be in a heated discussion, I felt sorry for her when they shooed her off rudely. I turn to grab an order and I hear shouting, I turn to see Mariah looking at me with a scared expression, everything slows down as a bang goes through the air, I watch as a bullet starts heading straight for my sister right behind me, i don't even think as i throw myself infront of her, taking the bullet, It lodged itself into my abdomen and I fall back into my sisters arms as she looks down at me in shock. She quickly starts to tell everyone to get back as I look up, all of a sudden someone is leaning over me, they lean closer and my vision clears enough to see that it's Max Evans, he ripps my shirt open and tears fill his eyes as he sees the damage that was done, he collects himself and leans closer so I can hear him, "you're gonna be okay, I'm gonna heal you, don't worry" he puts his hand on my head while the other goes to my wound and he stares into my eyes. Suddenly I see flashes of memories, his memories, they were of me, serving people at the diner, he would watch me from outside the window while I'd clean sometimes, I felt a warmth spread through me and the flashes faded, when I looked back into his eyes he had a look of shock, I knew he had seen my memories, he grabbed a bottle off the shelf next to us and broke it, he spilled ketchup all over my stomach and backed up, "you fell and broke the bottle, please...dont tell anyone" he stared at me and I nod, his friend called for him, "Keys now!" He tossed him his keys and they both booked it out of the store. I couldn't believe it, he was like me, I felt something in my chest, the next hour was spent with me answering questions and dealing with paramedics, it was crazy, but everything calmed down soon after, dad was so worried he gave me the rest of the month off, since I would have the stress of going to school after this as well. I was currently in my room, trying my best to stay calm as my mind went a thousand miles an hour, Max Evans, was like me, whatever I was, I had to check my uniform so I looked around the fabric, sure enough I found the bullet hole and sighed, this was gonna be a problem if anyone suspected anything, I took it off and stuffed it into my bag, I had to get rid of it at some point, the school had a furnace, I could burn it there. I went to my bathroom and hopped into the shower, it felt nice as the water fell over my skin, I felt relaxed as I washed my hair and body, I let my hand hover over my legs and the hair disappeared, leaving them smooth and ready for me to wear my outfit for tomorrow, before getting ready for bed.


Word count 880

I apologize for the short chapter, just wanted to make it quick.

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