Aether Portal

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"What the fuck! What even is that monster!?" a girl with fox ears cursed. She's on the run after her team was wiped out by the humanoid monster that they've been tasked to investigate. It was reported coming out of a portal, a new dungeon, so to say.

It was intelligent, to say the least, as it was wearing magical armor and a glowing black sword harder than the mithril dagger she found in a dungeon.

"Gah!" she tripped over after landing down a cliff, and hear the sound of splashing water behind her.

'It' had caught up to her.

"Haaah!" She spun around and throwed her dagger laced with poison towards 'It', and managed to hit 'It', seeing as the monster still haven't brought it's shield up yet.

Hope surge trough her as she got up and ran, after seeing the monster pulling out a steel bucket filled with milk, emptying it in just a few seconds, before chasing after her again.

Hope surge trough her as she got up and ran, after seeing the monster pulling out a steel bucket filled with milk, emptying it in just a few seconds, before chasing after her again

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"Any moment now...." she thought, as she keep running and running.

"Damnit!" the poison doesn't seem to work, and she lost one of her daggers. She need to lost the monster trough the woods, or get to the city, which is already in sight.

"Yes!" She celebrated to early.


She found a trident trough her chest.

".......What?" She stared at the thing coming out of her torso, her blood and organs dangling on the three sharp points, as it backed out and flew back to the monster who threw it.


She fell to the ground, her body paralyzed by the pain. Footsteps of the monster get closer and closer to her. But she can't do anything as tears and blood flow down her cheeks.


It arrived in front of her.

"..." she mustered the last of her strength to look up, to see the thing that's about to kill her.

Was the last thing she heard, before a black sword was lodged between her eyes, and everything goes dark, and she died.

"...." Someone landed next to the monster, seemingly an acquaintance.

A girl.

A girl

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2022 ⏰

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