You Better Act Right

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AN. SOOOOO it's been awhile HASNT it? SORRY FOR THAT BTW IM SO SORRY okay. fyi the pic is my fave of ash so don't hate. lol back to the story! I hope you luuurrrrvvveeee it!
The morning after the party Logan had woken up sprawled out with Ashton next to her, curled up in a ball. Which was hard considering how tall he was.

Logan smiled slightly and poked him in the cheek, "Wake up, Sunny. It is already 11 oclock."

Ashton swatted at her hand and buried himself deeper into the covers. Logan paused, she wasn't sure how to get him up. She also didn't want to make him angry by doing something he didn't like, they'd only just went on their first date.

She shrugged and hopped out of bed, throwing on a black silk robe over her fuzzy white shorts and white tank top. She slipped into her polar bear slippers and padded her way to the kitchen.

Logan stopped and looked around, noticing something was different. She gasped and looked out her ginormous window, snow was covering everything. It was beautiful. Logan squealed and quickly whipped out her phone, immediately taking pictures and posting them to instagram.

Logan screamed and jumped when large hands covered the expanse of her stomach and a warm body was pressed up against her back.

"Why are you up so early?" Ashton asked, nuzzling his face into the top of her head.

Logan shrugged and turned around in his arms, draping her arms over his neck. He looked amazing, he had bed head and his eyes were glossy with sleep but his voice was hoarse and gravelly.

The apartment was cold due to the snow outside. Ashton directed them to the couch where a black blanket was draped over the edge of the couch. He pulled her close and wrapped his arms around her tiny frame.

"What are you doing today?" Logan asked.

"I'm probably going to end up hanging out with the boys once I leave. We've got this week off so that's nice," He replied.

"I almost always forget you're in a band," Logan giggled. "You don't seem the type."

Ashton pulled back and looked at her, "What do you mean?"

Logan rolled her eyes, "My last boyfriend was in a band and he was a douchebag. Please, don't end up like him?"

Ashton smirked, "Of course not."

Logan smiled and stood up, "Breakfast?"

Ashton set down his fork and looked at the bright colored haired girl across from him, "Do you want to come over today? The boys and I aren't doing anything today and I'm sure they'd want to get to know you better."

Logan held up one finger and swallowed her food, "Um, I'm supposed to have a new video out by Sunday. Which is tomorrow, so I really need to film that."

"You could just do it at our place! I don't mind."

Logan looked wary, "It's not just sitting down and filming, Ashton. I have to have the lighting right, too. Do you guys have a lot of natural light in the house?"

"Yeah, there's windows everywhere!"

Logan looked down at her plate, "I'm not sure that's a good idea, Ash."

Ashton pouted and looked at Logan with puppy dog eyes, "Please, babe? Pleasssseeeeee?"

Logan cracked a smile, "Fine, but only because that damn face is too adorable."

Ashton fist bumped the air and shouted in victory. Logan smiled and watched him dance around the house like an idiot.
Ashton and Logan pulled up to the house at the end of the street, covered by the vast amount of trees.

They had driven to the pier to get Ashton's car, then Logan had followed him the rest of the way.

She had to admit, the house was gorgeous. She'd grown up around the most elite and richest people in the United States, and this house was amazing compared to some that she had seen over the years.

"You like?" Ashton asked, once they had both gotten out of their cars.

Logan nodded, "I should have gotten this instead of my penthouse."

Ashton threw an arm over her shoulder as they walked to the front door, "How can you afford that anyway?"

"Oh, my pare--"

"And Smash has finally arrived!" The front door smacked open and 3 boys stood there. 2 looking exhausted and the other looking like he had just puked rainbows.

"Why the hell are you so happy, Calum?" Ashton asked.

"And why do you two look like you got no sleep at all?" Logan asked, a smile pulling at her lips.

"Calum had one of your friends over last night!" Luke burst out. "They were going at it like bunnies!"

Logan's head whipped to Calum, "Which friend?"

Calum smirked, "I don't remember her name. She was Mexican though, if that helps."

"Not cool, mate," Ashton said, a look of distaste on his face.

Logan's eyes narrowed, "Where is she now? And her name is America you pig."

Calum shrugged, "When she woke up I told her to leave."

"Dude, you said she left on her own!" Michael and Luke shouted out.

"I may have lied."

Logan's face was red with anger, "You. Fucking. Ass."

Calum smirked, "She did say I had a nice ass."

Logan launched herself at Calum, but before she could get there a muscular arm had pulled her back into their chest, "Hey, calm down."

"I'm not going to calm down!" Logan burst out. "This asshole hurt one of my best friends! She's probably in tears now! Thinking about how she's not good enough, all of her boyfriends had only used her for sex and the one that didn't turned out to be abusive. I'm guessing you made her feel special beforehand? Like she wasn't some fucking one night stand?"

Calum nodded, "See! She's probably in fucking tears right now. God dammit Calum!"

Calum looked sheepish, "Sorry?"

"You damn right better be sorry! You can't just do those things, without knowing their story. Did it really have to be one if my friends too?"


Logan faced back around, "Whatever, excuse me for a moment."

She walked to the dirt pathway and whipped out her phone.

"Really Calum?" Luke asked.

"Hey! Why are you all ganging up on me?" Calum shouted, a bewildered look in his eyes.

"Because that's sick mate." Michael said.

"I agree, but you also didn't know. So you can't be the only one to be blamed." Ashton said.

Logan walked back up to the group and headed straight to Calum. She stood in front if him for a few moments, just gazing up at him, before engulfing him in a bear hug. It looked comical, considering he was about ten inches taller than her. He paused before hugging her back.

"I'm sorry," her talk was muffled by his shirt. "I get very protective over my friends and I overreacted. Forgive me?"

Calum chuckled, "Of course, squirt."

"I'm older than you."


"Yup, I was born January 24 1995. I'm a year older than you, almost exactly."

Calum groaned, "At least I'm older than Luke."

"Why is everyone older than me!"
Mkay HEY GUYS so sorry this took so long but school is literally whooping my ass rn. LOL I hope you love this and America, I told you there would be drama for you w/ Calum. lots more where that came from. LOL I have so much planned for this story just stick with me while I write it. I don't really have a set update time so just bear with me. lol lurvvvvveeeed you guys.

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