Newest Chapter in our lives

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While Murdoc and Viviana was still in Florida, Viviana was sick and kept getting morning sickness, And one day Murdoc had enough of seeing his wife not in the good condition "Viviana, I think i should take you to the doctor" Viviana turned her head "No Murdoc, I'm completely fine" Then she threw up again "Murdoc, I promise it's nothing to worry about" Murdoc gave her a glare from the corner of his eye "This has been going on for a week now, I can't stand to see you like this" Murdoc got closer to Viviana and began to hold her hand "Please Vivi, I don't like seeing you unhappy and sick" Viviana knew that he was right "Ok, you can take me to the doctor" As Murdoc picked up Viviana and carried her downstairs, He called 2-D "Oi, 2-D" "Hey Mudz, is everything doing ok on your honeymoon" "Not so good" "Why?, what's wrong" "Viviana is sick and I'm taking her to the doctor to see what's going on with her" 2-D realizing that the night Murdoc brought brought Viviana to the hotel room, They both had sex "Uh Mudz, That night that you and Viviana first had sex did you use a condom" Murdoc remembered that they did not use a condom "No, Why is that a problem" "Murdoc, Don't worry about it to much, And did Viviana throw up around the mornings" Murdoc kept count of the days she threw up and some how it was always morning "Yes, It's been happening all week, Well we will probably get home soon once Viviana is feeling better, anyways we're at the doctors so I'll talk to you later bye" Murdoc hung up as soon
2-D was about to say something but will just let Murdoc find out himself.

(Doctors office)

As Murdoc carried Viviana in the doctors office the nurse saw him "Hello sir, How can i help you today" Murdoc looked over and walked over to the desk "Yes, I'm here to get a checkup for my wife, She thinks she has food poisoning but we just wanna make sure it's not deadly" The nurse gave him a clipboard of paperwork for her checkup.

2 minutes later and Murdoc finished the paperwork and walked over to the desk and gave it back to her "Alright Dr Baltimore will be with you shortly" Murdoc walked back to his wife who looked worse by the minute "Don't worry Viv, I'll make sure you get better" as Murdoc gave Viviana a kiss on the forehead, Dr Baltimore came in "Viviana Peterson" Murdoc carried Viviana to the room where the Dr pointed them to "Ok Viviana please sit here, And you are" Murdoc looked him annoyed "Murdoc Niccals, I'm her husband" Dr Baltimore looked him in surprise "Wait Aren't you from the band Gorilllaz" Murdoc nodded "Wait aren't you 55" Murdoc just looked at him dumbfounded "Ok, So Just sit here and I'll see what's the matter with her" Murdoc kept his eyes on Viviana.

After a few test results, Dr Baltimore came back in with some news "Well Viviana, you didn't get food poisoning, You're just pregnant" Murdoc just looked Surprised, Then looked at Viviana who was in shock then ran to Murdoc and ended up hugging him "I can't believe we're having a baby" Murdoc Looked at Viviana while hugging her then remembered what he said, He would stay with her even if it kills him "I'm happy to hear, Uh doc how many are we having" Dr Baltimore did a ultrasound on Viviana "Eeek! So cold" Murdoc chuckled for a bit "Heh, I'm just watching" The doctor was finished and with the results "Congratulations, you will be having triplets" as Murdoc and Viviana looked at the doctor in a awkward glare "Uh, Are you sure it's triplets" Murdoc asked confusingly "Yes Mr Niccals you both will be having triplets, And do you wanna know the gender" Viviana looked and Murdoc in a calm way "Murdoc, Could we have a baby shower if that's fine with you" Murdoc was still trying to process on the results but after a minute he came back to reality "Sure Vivi, When do you wanna have it" Viviana thought it over "How about tomorrow "Ok, By the way i called
2-D told him about that you we're sick". And the 2 soon to be parents of triplets was starting to plan there baby shower.

Thanks for seeing this chapter keep up with (Vividoc) and let's see what the gender of the triplets will be, Anyways i gotta go and help planning a baby shower.


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