Part 1 - They Meet

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Bradley walks down the college hallways, his used but sturdy gym shoes squeaking against the shiny flooring. He just got out of football practice, and looked like an utter mess, as always. Bradley strides towards his locker, wading through his fellow schoolmates, the hall bustling with chatter. As he turns the corner, he fails to notice the girl in front of him and bumps into her.

"I'm so sorry, my bad!" He manages to get out before he finally takes a look at her.

The girl was absurdly pretty. The first thing he noticed was her long, straight black hair with bangs slightly covering her eyes. Her face was angular and pale, with her eyes a very muted blue gray color. Now, those eyes were looking up at him with a blank look on her face.

"It's fine. Don't worry about it," She tells him, her face completely unfazed. She shifts her bag farther over her shoulder, dusts her skirt off and leaves.

Bradley is left dumbfounded, and with an unusually fast heartbeat. She's really damn attractive. 

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