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   It was the first day of school. Life was pretty good. After coming back from a seemingly endless summer vacation. Everyone seemed more mature. Taller. There were even some decent looking guys.

I tried to unlock my locker with a stupid combo lock. I grumbled to myself in frustration as I manically turned the locker over and over.

35, 12, 3, 11...

"Boo!" I suddenly hear an energetic voice behind me, followed by a grab around my waist.

I sharply inhaled and turned around to see who had the audacity to jump behind me like that. I met my best friend Journey's sparkling brown eyes.

"Journey!" I say in an upset tone, but it's ruined by a smile breaking out on my face.

"Cara!" She says in an excited tone.

That's my name, obviously. Cara. Like, car-uh. Not care-uh.

She brings me down for a hug, which I return with equal excitement. 

Journey and I have been best friends since fourth grade, and we made it all the way to the first day of junior year in highschool.

All that shit about juniors being depressed as hell is definitely not true for Journey. She one of the most, dare I say the most optimistic person I know. But at the same time, she's also kind of badass and a little bit scary.

But hey, that's why I love her.

"What's your first class?" She asked hurriedly before grabbing my schedule out of my hands.

"Algebra. Tough," She mumbles as she scans over my schedule.

"We have three classes together. Not bad."

I was about to say something, but I was interrupted by the loud, irritating sound of the bell. I'm sure an atomic bomb is quieter.

Journey hugs me again and gives me a little wave before speeding off to her next class, leaving me all alone to face Algebra.

What did I do to deserve this?

I make my way to class, trying to maintain a positive attitude. The teacher, with a hilariously large moustache, points me to my seat after I tell him my last name: Davis.

I sit in the seat and scan the people around me as the teacher makes his way to the front of the class. I could already tell this class would be boring.

And that's when I saw him.

He caught my eye immediately, and though I hate to admit it, I was kind of in shock. The dark curly hair, the height, the golden skin. 

I mentally slapped myself.

No! You are not falling for one. Not on the first day of school. No. No no. He's not even that pretty. Calm down.

I averted my eyes to literally anything else and decided to get my notebook out.

"Ah yes. Another student," The teacher said dryly.

"What's your name?" He pointed at the guy.

Since now everybody was looking in his direction, I gave myself permission to stare.

"Zaven," He said.

The word rang in my head. Zaven.

His voice was deep. Smooth.

Smooth like butter, like a criminal undercover.. I mentally sang to myself.

"You're over here," The teacher pointed at me.

Holy shit, he's next to me. The universe loves me!

He took a seat at the table in front of me. You've got to be kidding me. 

So I guess my life isn't a romance novel.

"I am Mr. Rickert," The teacher started to speak as I already started to zone out.

I was busy casually checking out the guy who sat in my perfect eyesight. I was about to decide that he wasn't even that cute, that I shouldn't even try.

But then he looked up, and we made eye contact. I froze.

Blue eyes.

Of course he has blue eyes.


Hey guys!

How do you like the story so far? I'm open to suggestions since I didn't really plan for this story... This is based on my own experience. 

Question for the chapter: What's your favorite class?

XOXO- Crystal

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2021 ⏰

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