Chapter 3~The wolfs out of the bag

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The days after that passed slowly. Mainly because I avoided Derrick while also obsessing over Friday. I knew I was going to go see them but the problem was that I wasn’t sure about whether or not I could trust them. 

See if I were to go based solely on what Derrick said then the answer was no but I also had to factor in the fact that, just like Derrick, they were my mates. I also didn’t know them therefore I couldn’t decide for myself if they were trustworthy or not.

 So all week I went back and forth in my head with this and it was honestly starting to annoy me.

“Hey Mellissa! There you are! I’ve been looking for you all day.” I turned to see Ace running down the hall towards me.

 She had a massive smile on her face which usually meant one of two things. Either something that we think is awesome is going to happen or it has already happened. The only thing I needed to know was which one it was.

    “Hey Ace, and sorry. I’ve honestly just been hiding from everyone recently. Well mostly just Derrick but still. Since I'm being honest I might as well add, my mood feels like it took a giant leap off of the eiffel tower recently so I just want to be alone. Only came out now for food and was gonna head back to my room.” I sighed and her smile softened into a sad one as I stopped and turned towards her.

    “Well…. I have something for you that, I hope, might lift your mood back up to the top of the eiffel tower and keep you there for a while.” She stopped right in front of me and started rocking back and forth on her feet. She was obviously excited for something.

    “Sadly, Ace, I don’t think there’s a whole lot that can do that right now. Although, I wouldn’t be against you trying to help me feel better right now so shoot.” Her massive smile returned once again and she instantly shot her hand out from behind her back and shoved it at me. In her hand was an envelope with my name on it. I only glanced at it so I didn’t see the handwriting right away.

    “I’m almost one hundred percent sure that this could, maybe and hopefully, help a little bit. If it doesn’t then you can take anything you want from my closet.” I cocked my eyes in confusion and slowly took the envelope from her hands.

    “Why? What is it? What could make you so confident that you would risk losing an outfit that you begged for because I know for a fact you begged for almost everything in your closet because your parents suck.” She shrugged and started to bounce a bit.

    “ I don’t know. Open it and find out. I promise you’ll most likely love it.” I rolled my eyes at her. She made no sense but I didn’t bring that up. I just did as she said and opened it.

    “You know how much I hate anticipation Ace.” I frowned as she shrugged, still holding her giant ass smile on her face and never faltering.

    “That would be because you always anticipate the worst. You really need to stop that by the way. It’s why you can never have fun you know.” I scoffed as I pulled the letter out of the envelope.

    “Fat chance of that happening! It’s one of the main things that keeps me alive at this point. I mean obviously you and the whole pack are the major main reason but still. You also already know this because we’ve talked about this countless times.” For some reason that Made her even happier and she started bouncing and clapping her hands happily.

    “That’s also how I know this will cheer you up a bit, even if it’s only a little bit. It might even help you feel a bit safer. I also know that since Derrick won’t come near you it’s been a struggle for you to feel safe and comfortable here so I think this will help a bit.” I cocked my eyes again and she started waving and nodding at the paper in my hand.

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