Chapter 1: Running Late

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The hard taps of your feet and your panting echoed into the hallways. Your chant went from 'whatsthetime' to 'shitshitshit' after you realized that no amount of running would get you to class in time. Holding a cup with one hand and your books with the other, you rushed through the empty corridor. Your coffee threatened to spill, and your now-ignored headphones were still blasting some beats, but you kept going.

It was your favorite class, and you didn't want to miss a second of it. You rushed through the hallways, hoping no one collided with you. You did a little happy dance in your head when you finally saw the door of your classroom. You took a deep breath and slowly creaked the room open, your eyes meeting hundred other faces. "Welcome, Miss y/n. Mind telling me why you are late?" Your teacher stared at you, with an eerily calm face. "I- I missed the alarm." You mumbled with your head bowed. You were dreading a detention slip from your teacher but she just sighed. "It's alright, you're not late I'll let it pass."  You met her eyes and returned her kind smile with a grateful one. "Just take off your headphones, settle down and pay attention. We are on page number 45."

"Thank you, ma'am." You breathed out, as relief washed over you. "Okay, so as I was saying, we will be having a new student in our class, and no, Y/b/n, it's a she."  "I didn't even-"And she'll be coming up here after some time." Your teacher finished, not giving a chance for your best friend to protest. Y/b/n pouted,  and sank down in her seat with a mumble " Why aren't there any good guys here? Only musty-looking ones." You giggled silently as you took your seat next to her and patted her hair.  "You'll be fine-" You were cut off by a loud creak.

The entire classroom had gone from half-bored and half-listening to complete awe. Standing at the door, with her head shamelessly tilted to one side, and pieces of smooth chocolatey hair half falling into her face, was the most smug-faced girl you had ever seen. She sauntered up to the teacher with the air of a celebrity and put her hand out. You had to stop yourself from bursting out in giggles when the teacher almost took a double-take in front of the whole class.

"Ah, Arsa, you're finally here. Would you like to introduce yourself to the class?" Your teacher attempted to regain her confidence. 'Arsa' blinked back at the teacher with slight irritation, huffed, and turned sharply towards the class. Her eyes lit up turned into a smile as she waved, and...paused.

You blinked in confusion as she raised a single finger up to her lips and slid them obliquely in a cutting motion.

And then it hit you.

She is mute.


Hello Errbhadi! It's my first story so 😅. I'm really not sure if such type of a book exists but I'll make sure to give you all a good experience! I'd appreciate respectful feedback 💕   See yall!


Words Unspoken 𝒶𝓃𝒹 Stories UntoldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora