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Ryan looks at Avery, the way he leads his hand to his hair, it is a windy day and the leaves fall from the trees around him giving harmony to the environment.

Avery seems to realize that he is looking at him and turns around, their eyes meeting and smiling at him.

Ryan smiles back and reaches out to gently brush a leaf out of Avery's hair.

Another stream of wind flutters their hair and they both discover that making eye contact on windy days is not a good idea because the dirt falls into their eyes.

Ryan does not like big cities very much, not that he dislikes them, but it is difficult for him to walk among so many people without feeling strange and overwhelmed.

The city lacks the warmth that his home has given for as long as he can remember; and he comes across a bunch of unfamiliar things that make him feel completely dumb.

But a soft and warm hand guides him through the streets of Vegas, there is a shortcut across that alley, behind the cinema; Avery leads him with a confidence that he rarely shows.

And Ryan lets himself be guided.

Scrubby Fanfic part 1Where stories live. Discover now