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Apparently life was always by chance.

Ryan thought about that word, his mother used to say that coincidences did not exist. So different from his father, his mother used to tell him that the whole universe was perfectly structured and that everything connected, if a drop of water fell, a flower was born, a man took that flower, a beautiful girl passed by and gave it to him, he they married, had children. One day they saw a similar flower on the ground, they set up a flower shop, a clueless boy came in thinking it was a bar, he saw a nice bouquet and bought it, he left the flower shop to run into a girl and well... he got the point.

But even so, at that moment it was difficult for him to understand, if everything happened for some reason why had he crossed paths with Avery right then?

Ryan had gone out to find the right gift for a few visits his father was about to receive. Apparently the countess from somewhere and her daughter, who, with much emphasis, her father indicated "is the same age as you." Ryan considered himself a gentleman, but he was just not into her, especially when he had to meet her like this and not at school or work. 

Avery, his supposed best friend, had abandoned him on his father's assignment, preferring to go after the conquest of some silly RPG. So that left Ryan alone, walking from store to store perfectly dressed in a tailcoat because to top it all, because of a certain holiday in the town the streets were closed and that delayed his driver by no less than an hour and a quarter which left him with just one hour left to pick up the gift, pay, and go home ready for the meeting.

It wasn't a big deal, he thought, until he found that most of the stores were closed, aside from the holiday, and things were going to be a little more complicated than he imagined. Deep in thought trying to solve this issue he was when something cold hit his nose and he turned his gaze to the sky when it started to rain on him.

He muttered some curse between his teeth and caught a glimpse of what was a kind of bus stop with a roof, he quickly started to run. Finally reaching the long-awaited shelter, he prepared to sit down when something he noticed someone. Next to him, about to sit in the same place was nothing more and nothing less than Avery.

"What are you doing here?" They both asked in unison.
"What do I do here? It's raining!" Avery replied in sudden euphoria.
"The rain is so magical, I love it. But why are you here? You don't seem like the type of person who loves nature."

"Running errands for my father" Ryan replied.

"Come with me!" Avery proposed spontaneously. "There are thousands of curiosities out here, you will surely find something interesting."

As Ryan got to know Avery more, a part of him warned him not to do it, but those enthusiastic eyes and that almost contagious smile... 


What could he lose?

So when the mustard-colored double-decker bus arrived, Ryan followed Avery inside. Avery told him to hold on as they entered the channel of the magical dimension and after five minutes they went down to find themselves in a surreal version of New Mexico.

Avery looked like he was going to faint with excitement. And Ryan, as reluctant as he was, admitted to himself that it was a peculiar sight. 

Suddenly he lost sight of his companion and turned around to find him. Ryan ran to him.

"Hey silly, don't go too far," he said.


Scrubby Fanfic part 1Where stories live. Discover now