Chapter 1

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Authors note; Inspired by Monster by Meg & Dia

Grace POV
I often thought about what my life should have looked like. Would I have been married? Would I have died? I wanted to teach, I wanted to settle down.

I stared at the train as it whizzed past. I didn't want this life that I'd been given. My eyes were downcast as I listened for the next train. There was so many things I wanted to do. I gritted my teeth together. I just couldn't control myself. Couldn't control my urge. Sometimes it didn't feel like it was my own will anymore. Tears slipped down my cheeks as I took a step forward towards the edge of the platform. The lights were bright as I stepped my foot off the edge.
"Look out!"

1000 years ago:
"Are you ready to go?" Lillian asked staring at herself in the mirror, I pulled my hair up into a high ponytail and fluffed my hair out and nodded, grabbing my keys. We linked arms and headed out of my parents mansion.
"We can't stay out too late Lillian. Fathers gotten me a rather... a suitor." I sighed quietly, Lillian laughed as we walked down the street.
"Oh I'm a much better suitor." She teased, I rolled my eyes and nudged her.
"Stop it. You'll get into trouble." I warned. Lillian stuck out her tongue.
"Fine, fine. A few drinks and we'll be home before midnight and then you can be a good little girl and do as you have been told." She promised as I nudged her with my hip.

How wrong I was to think my night would be simple.
"Please do not touch me!" I whimpered, she stepped closer and I pressed my back against the wall. We never made it to the saloon. We had gotten half way when a man with a knife declared Lillian a monster and attacked us.
"If I do not do this you will die." Lillian murmured, I gripped at the wound in my side. Stupid. Stupid, people, where do people get off hurting others? A woman of high class? A- I closed my eyes, she was not a woman of high class. Nor was she even human. I flinched as the blood oozed through my fingers. I staggered and slowly lowered to the ground, my strength leaving me.
"Let me help you." Lillian said biting into her skin, she brought her wrist up and pushed it against my lips, the blood dripped into my mouth and made its way down my throat, I struggled against her but she would not release me until the pain disappeared. I closed my eyes, this was wrong. Totally wrong. I opened my eyes and Lillian smiled at me,
"It's all healed. I'm sorry you had to see this." She gestured to the dead body at her feet and I felt like throwing up. I stared back at Lillian but no words left my lips. Her eyes glinting in the moonlight,
"But this is perfect. You don't have to go back to that princess life of yours. I've just saved you." She smiled as she grabbed my neck and twisted.

Lillian's POV
"Sorry love. But I'm tired of this world." I smirked as I watched Grace hit the ground. She was a sweet thing. Kind, beautiful but there is a darkness in her that needed unleashing. She was not suited to a life of royalty. I'd known her for a while now, and she did bring joy to my long life. But I have plans and plans need to move forward. I bent down and picked Grace up before moving fast to her house, laying her down on the bed I stared at her before grabbing her quill and parchment from the table. This world is pathetic, broken. Humans were made to be ruled. I plan to do so. I scribbled fast, she had made it home before midnight. Though she will no longer be Grace Lucille Blakewell.

Dear Grace
When you wake up you will feel awful. You are not squiffy. You are in transition. In order to survive this you must drink the blood of a human. Try not to kill them. I will find you again one day and we will rule this world. We should be the stronger race.

I placed the quill down and smiled at the poor 18 year old. It was time to go. I stared at her, knowing she would search for me, I knew she'd do anything for me, and that was all I needed. For now, she needs to find her way, an excellent journey of self discovery, I chuckled at the thought, this poor sweet girl, doomed to be mine for eternity. I pressed my lips against her forehead and left.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2022 ⏰

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