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Thorin oakenshield: why the heck did you all just yell moo?

Brambleclaw:uh..w-why is there a sword in his p-pocket?😵😵

Hollycatwriter: he hunts orcs, genius!!

Sunstar377: Hawkfrost is mean!

Hawkfrost: AM NOT!!!!

Abbeybabby: help me!

( nightpeltthewolf leaps on her)

Puffball: puff!!

Chromeflame: it's so cute!!

Xxsapphire5xX: aww...

Abbeybabby: help! Someone!

Nightpeltthewolf: kanabalizm!!!!

xx_fennkine_xx: 0-0

Thorin: it's strange what friends I have..cats, one human, a fennkin , a speaking pineapple, a strange puff ball..

Hollycatwriter: hey Brambleclaw, did ya know I like PICKLES?!,!?

( Brambleclaw backs up slowly,)


Pineapple: yo yo, my best mans, Pi Klee are like so last season,

(Hollycatwriter goes histarical)

Hollycatwriter: P-PICKLES, P-PICKLES!!!HAHAHAHA!!!


Ways to annoy brambleclawDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora