Dead meet

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Sans POV: 

after he created it, he sliced right through mrs. Garrison. and he went home, Master walked in through the door and asked where mrs. Garrison went, and I told him she left early, He pulled me back when I tryied walking out the door and pushed me onto the couch. And sat down next to me, He grabbed my hand and held it tight "Master, i should be getting going know" i Say "No.. please" He begged me to stay, so I stayed for the night with him, we snuggled up into his bed cuddling and one of my bones fell luse so I super glued it back together. We had a good day and I made master some pancakes for breakfast and he loved them, i felt happy, and felt like he loved me, we went to the movies but i said "NU I DONT WANNA BE AWAY FWOM YOU MASTWER" because he was too far away in the seat beside me.

Nagitos POV: 

I let sans sit on my lap because he was too far away, he kept moving to get comfortable and i screamed without the s becuz his cat ears. I love my bb grill soy much and when we got out of the theater I asked him to be my boyfriend, he saysd yes and i got him pregananit and we are gonna name the baby miku.. I love my baby, and I love sans, Hes so cute and perfect, and he makes me so happy, he was the perfect puzzle peice to my life, I love sans and my baby miku, shes so cute. I cant believe i made  a life.. with... My little maid~

I love you sans, you will always be my luver furever bbg. 

My little maid~ Nagito X SansWhere stories live. Discover now