The Sun And Moon.

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The sun is bright and yellow, and most people correlate yellow and the sun to happiness. The moon well the moon only comes out at night. The way people describe the moon is grey and gloomy or tired. I always picture the paintings and drawings of the moon cradling the sun. The moon and sun are together. The moon looks tired and sad, now the moon isn't tired of the sun their tired of everything. The moon loves the sun a lot, more then they care and love them self. This is why they are so tired all the time. Due to the moon being tired it is hard for them to put effort into the relationship with the sun. Now the sun is so bright and yellow always happy all the time. The sun is always smiling is is so used to the most toxic relationships. That being said the sun isn't fazed by the moons behavior. The sun craves love and attention no matter who it's from or how it is shown. The sun feels the moon fading away and getting tired. The sun is trying to keep going and keep a smile. All while trying to keep the moon interested. Then again the sun is used to it so this is nothing new. The sun puts up with it. In the end everything fades and the relationship just stops. That being said the sun and moon start to rotate everyday and stay away from each other. This isn't because they hate each other, they could never hate each other. It's just because they can't bare to look at each other anymore without all the memories flooding back.

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