Chapter 1

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//idc if the laws or paperwork is realistic or not, the world of FNF is full of colorful stick people, demons, talking animals and bizarre anomalies. Fuck ur laws.//

The sky was alight with vibrant shades of orange and yellow as the sun sank behind the horizon, the distant chime of various shop doorbells echoing down the boardwalk as a young woman strode by. The nun's long headdress caught on a twisted staple that had been stuck to the usual advertising wooden telephone pole.

Sarvente whipped her head around, attention snapping to the white page and to the rough sketch depicting a man with clearly more than a few issues. His expression was void, the lack of emotion clearly stretching to underneath the rather distinct cloth in the place of his eye.

"Extra! Extra!" Chirped the paper boy, adjusting his cap as he packed up his backpack, trying to sell just a few more before dark, "We gotta killer on the loose, sister!"

"Is that so? No wonder the place is so quiet..." she smiled and waved a hand to him, "You should do the same and head home."

He pulled his backpack on and offered her a paper, "I am, sister. Papa told me if I wasn't home by dark, he'd make me wish this guy had caught me. Gotta run, stay safe!"

Sarvente watched the kid hop onto his bike and roll away before turning her attention to the paper, finding a copy of the BEWARE posters stapled to the front page. She began to walk and read, giving attention-less waves to passersby as she headed to the church she was assigned to handle.

The old thing came into view behind the trees, squeaking when the wind nudged it, almost constantly threatening to come down as she trudged up the dirt driveway and up the wooden steps which creaked beneath her loudly, the splintered wood and busted floorboards giving her wide steps to take,

"Mm... restoration my ass... this church should just be wrecked and remade..."

She mumbled with a breath of irritation, her hand brushing against her forehead as she stepped in and choked on the dust that her footsteps to the center of the room stirred, freezing when she heard a creak from behind the door. Sarvente glanced at the old stained glass pane that she'd taken down and leaned against the back wall, a cold, prickling chill racing up her back.

The figure could barely be made out, but the cold, unfeeling eye glinting softly told her enough.

'Okay... relax... just breathe... you're way tougher than any mortal, this should only take a moment.. Bring it o... wait...' her thoughts were cut off when she saw the figure step behind her and... out the door?

'Hey, hang on, I was ready to kick your ass... come back...' she spun on her heel and strode to the window through which she spotted the criminal walking away into the surrounding woods.

'... He didn't attack me... interesting...'

Ruv pushed through a wall of tall bushes, making his way out into a dense woodland and weaving through the closely-growing trees.

As he heard his own footsteps, a sound that had become white noise to him at this point, he slowly noticed an echo in them and stopped, his breath slowing to a few shakey pants as he listened.

The chill of fear climbed up his back and clashed with a deep, hot rage that burned in his chest as he gripped the sickle at his side.

The soft, sickeningly sweet tone made his skin finally jolt a bit.

"Hello..? Uh, mister uhh... mister Ruvysva-"

Before the demon could even finish addressing him, the criminal started sprinting into the trees.

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