chapter 2

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//I now realize that if I was to actually force people to read past Russian translations (poorly translated at that, I mean what's the point it's just Google) that it takes them out of the mental scene their brain paints and forces them to reimagine or pause to focus on that reimagining. So I'm just gonna use English and indicate either by emoji or by narration/description when it's changed, but yeah they're speaking Russian for most of this//

//TW: I mention needles, but I don't really describe it, just the characters interactions/reactions//

"Stop jerking around like that!" Sarvente yelped, lifting both hands up, a pair of barbers' scissors in one pointed upwards over her and away, her voice forcefully softening a bit, "Please, I don't want to hurt you… these are sharp…"

Her words earned a low growl from the Russian seated in front of her as he twisted his head to glare at her, "I want to leave." He complained, still glancing around for an escape.

"You know how when you say something over and over again, it just sounds like jibberish?" She asked, head tilted as she lifted a final handful of matted gnarled knots, fading a bit towards a darker hue at the tips, "Is that happening with you yet?" She asked, snipping it.

🇺🇲/🇬🇧"Suck my cock."

"Is that the only English you know?" The nun looked over her shoulder as she dropped the final bird's nest ingredient into the trash can, her brows furrowing with a little disapproving head shake, "Well, unfortunately for you, I don't believe you've had your shots."

"My what-" the man whipped his head over, rubbing his hand through his now short hair, his head notably lighter as he turned to watch Sarv open a clasped case with a red plus sign on one side. Ruv's eye widened at the sight of the needles, leaping to his feet and tugging up at the pants of the pajamas that were gifted him but were too big on his malnourished lanky frame and hung off of him like loosely tied bed sheets, "What are those and what are they for-?!"

Sarvente shrugged as she carefully lifted the needle, gesturing to it with her free hand, "I have to make sure you're healthy! This is a strange land to you!" She said, head tilted forward and doe-like eyes of innocence glimmering up to him.

But she dropped the look for one of slight shock and upset as she watched him scramble and fall backwards into the tub, dipping halfway into the water that had still been draining down a little self-made tube to the garden, "Oh, now you've gotten your new clothes all wet! These aren't going to hurt you! These will make sure that the sicknesses over here don't kill you!"

Ruv pushed himself back up onto his feet, waving his arm to hear the now wet fabric of his sleeve slap against the pajama pants that stuck to the heavy dips in his hips, his top now outlining just how narrow his waist was, "Nuh-uh, why the fuck is it sharp?"

Sarvente sighed and stood up, setting the needle down, "C'mon now… I just want to help you right now… I know talk is cheap, but I promise it's just a little pinch and you'll be just fi-

"Why is it sharp…?" He questioned again, grabbing and pushing himself up and out of the tub, the water sloshing as he clawed his way to stand on the tub's edge rims.

The demon put her hands up gently, "Well, I have to put this stuff in you and they're sharp to help with th-"

Before she could say much more, the Russian shoved past her, curling his fingers around the doorframe and using his momentum to fling himself down the hall at a sprint, "No fuckin thanks, I'm good. I have a good immune system."

Sarv groaned and rolled her eyes, following him, "That doesn't cover foreign illness! The common flu here will shake you like a rag doll!" She yelped as she ran down the hall after him, "Now, don't try that again-" she growled as she saw him dash towards a door, grabbing him by the waist gently and pulling him away from it.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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