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🍁My hair isn't as shiny as Rapunzel's,
My voice isn't as beautiful as Ariel's,
I am not smart and clever like Belle,
I am not beautiful and fair like Aurora,
I do not possess Snow White's fair skin
and Moana's bravery to fight and win—

But I can be as brave as Merida,
I can be as determined as Tiana,
I am selflessly sweet as Jasmine,
I am loving like Elsa and Anna,
I am a dreamer like Cinderella,
I am a risk-taker like Vanellope,
I can save my family like Anastasia,
I can save my tribe like Pocahontas,
I can lead a whole army like Mulan—
and I can change the world like Moana.

I do not hold a bow and arrow,
I do not wear a tiara or crown,
I do not have a legacy to follow,
I do not wear fancy ball gowns,
I do not know any magic spells,
nor do I have a love story to tell,
but I can rewrite my oddyssey—
and I can save myself from hell.

I do not have a beautiful face,
I do not have a golden voice,
I do not have a graceful gait,
I do not have long, shiny hair,
I do not have a slender waist,
I do not have a golden heart
but I can change who I am —
and that is my greatest power.

I am a princess who didn't exist in a storybook. I am a princess who didn't come from a fairytale, I'm a princess, not a damsel in distress—but a warrior, a lover and a poetess.

And in my story, a prince didn't save me from death and gave me a true love's kiss—in this story, I was born to save myself


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