chase back story

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Chase's POV:

Its 9:23am and I was in the shed trying to build a new tray and canopy for the old Toyota FJ47. Dad was out in the tractor headed to the neighbors to borrow there hay baler, The one we have, needs new hinges and bearings.

"HEY!!, Chase!" Everest shouted. "AHH!!. Oh hey Eve, do you need something?" I asked "No, I'm just letting ya know that mum an I are going to town" Everest answered "Righto" Everest turned to leave, "hey, could you grab some welding wire, flat beams and diamond plating?" I asked as she was about to walk outside. "Yep, can do" she replied "thanks".

--{little time skip now raining}--

As I get up an dust myself off taking a quick peak at the clock that read 4:50pm. As I lockup the shed for the night, I had sudden realization that dad said he was 'Gust going to old mate down the roads farm, gotta borrow the baler' 'Yeah right, see ya when ya get back' was my reply. But I haven't seen him return home. 'Shorly it doesn't take this long to get a f##king baler does it' I thought to myself. I decided to go inside and make a sandwich or two. The house is nothing special: its a single story house with 4bedrooms, 2.5bathrooms, descant sized kitchen/dinning room, it had cream colored walls and hardwood floors. After playing with Hercules for an hour the time was now 7:25pm. I was starting to question what's taking him so long?, and was getting worried "Should I go look of him?" I questioned Hercules expecting an answer, dumb I know "Yeah I better go, come on Hercules lets go" I replied to my own question, grabbing my keys as I left the house. I let Hercules in my Hilux than started it and headed for the exit of the farm. "Roads a bit slippery don't ya think Hercules" I asked just getting a bark in response.

After about 10 minutes of driving, I saw what appeared to be tire tracks leading of the road. Ignoring the tire marks, After driving for another 45 minutes I eventually got to the neighbor's propriety. Pulling into there driveway the house seemed to be pretty far back. Getting out after stopping I noticed a cupule of light's in one of the paddocks 'that's strange'. knocking on the door no one answered, so I knocked again still no answer, I had a thought that 'maybe that's them in the paddock'. I got Hercules out of the Hilux and a torch and started walking to the lights, "HEY!! ARE YOU THE OWNER!!" I yelled "YEAH! Just stay were you are!" responded a low gravely voice, As three guys approached me one of them tolled a dog to "heal" "Hallo, sorry for trespassing on ya land" I apologized "Nar your right mate, The names Maverick, that's Marshall and Rocky" said the tallest one introducing them, "I'm Chase, My family owns the farm next to yours, my dad borrowed a baler" I told them "oh, cool nice to meet ya, wonna come inside" asked Marshall "Yeah righto".

We talked for a bit just getting to know each other more, "So, what brings you here" Rocky asked out of no wear. "I was just coming to see if dad was here, which his not" I said with worry and sadness present in my voice, "You ok mate, ya wont us to help you look" Maverick asked with a bit of concern, "nar, I'll get going don't wont to waste any more of you guy's time" I replied getting up and walking to the door, I opened the door so Hercules could leave, as I was about to exit "You shore ya don't wont help looking" asked Rocky again "nar it's all good, You have a good night boys" I said again, " ya shor, it's really not a problem" Maverick asked one last time "I'll be fine" I say walking out the door.

On the way home I saw those tire marks again, I decided to stop and check them out, they seemed fresh, But the one thing I couldn't get out of my head was that, they were wider than a regular car's would be. Now I was curious I ran back to my car and grabbed the torch, Running back to the road's shoulder, Torch in hand vigorously searching for anything, swinging the flashlight around. That's when it fell on something that shined, Turning the light beam back then I saw it...... "Th-that ca-can't be the bal-baler" I stuttered out, With tears on the break of falling. In desperation to explore more I face the front of the Ute over the edge, Using the winch as a guide rope and a make shift harness made of ratchet straps. As I reached the baler, the sound of tires sliding and screeching forced me to climb up and see what happened. As I peaked over the top I saw three very familiar faces, "Marshall, Rocky, Maverick what are you doing here" I questioned "well when ya see car lights facing of the side of a cliff, you investigate" was the response I received, I told them "I have to know" "*Inhale-exhale*Let me come with you" asked Maverick "Y-Yeah s-shor" I answered. So there we go both of us down the side of the cliff, Once again I reached the baler this time with company, Using flashlights we search for the tractor... We found: four wheels, shattered glass and a heap of twisted metal, "th-that's h-his tractor" I said continuing to lower myself until something or really someone grabs my arm stopping me, "trust me Chase you don't wont to go down there" Maverick said in an overly calm voice and continues "Rocky bring us up" "will do, Mave" replied Rocky, "DON'T YOU FUCKING DARE!!!" I yelled with a mix of emotions in my voice "OIY! Going down there will not help your situation" Maverick says in the same calm voice.

Back at the top Marshall and Rocky put everything away wile Maverick try's to calm me down, We all head into town, Maverick drove my vehicle as I was in no condition to be driving. We pull into the carpark of AMRT (Australian Mountain Rescue Team), I ran into the building and strait to Mum's and Everest's Office, " Sorry, Soorrryy, I'm so so sor-rr-yy" I mumble while hugging mum and Everest in a tight sorrowful embrace with tears running down my cheeks onto Everest's uniform "shhh, it's ok, your ok, what happened?" asks Everest in a soft and caring tone "It's all my fa-au-lt" "hay, nothing is your fault" mum answered in a calm voice, "It is my fault!, It's all my fault!, I should have gone!, He should be the one here not me!, and It's all my fault I'm so so sorry mum" "who? whos gone?" "Dads gone and it's all my fault !!!" I scream, now siting in the corner. Just then Maverick, Rocky and Marshall walk in "Sorry to interrupt you miss Denials, But we need a Crane, Flatbed and Salvage crew ASAP" Marshall asks in an almost panic. Maverick sat down beside me and continues to try and calm me down.

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