"Sad" Reunion

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WARNING: contains, swearing, gruesome scans and death.

NO POV: "Daaad, How much longer? we've been driving for eevveerrr, and I'm hungry" Whined a small girl. "We're almost there sweaty, we'll have dinner soon ok" Replied the young man in the drivers seat. "Please Hunter, Let me drive! you need to take a break, your tired and making bad decisions" Asked his wife placing her hand on his rubbing it gently.

Hunters POV: Driving along trying my beast to stay awake, I started to pullover to let my wife drive the car hit a patch of soft dirt and started to swerve, "Dad what's happening?!" Asked my daughter beginning to panic, "Shhh, It's ok can you please be quiet, I need to concentrate" I say trying my hardest to regain control of the car. Now back out on the road I saw two lights heading straight at us, and with nothing I could do to get out of the way "I love you Dakota" I say turning to look back at my little girl as the sound of a truck horn and engine became louder and louder until ...

Mavericks POV: Sitting at a red light in my fast response vehicle, as the light changed to green the radios receiver lit up, turning down my music and turning up the UHF's volume *Station 47 to all available units please respond. We have a code 1, multivehicle crash possible fatalities, repeat code 1, multivehicle crash, any available units* Picking up the mic "Rodger that station 47, this is captain Maverick unit FR216, What road is that code 1 on" I say looking at Marshall as he looked at me, *Station 47 to FR216, code 1 located Zucky dr at checkpoint 68* came the radio call. "Affirmative station 47 unit FR216 responding code 1 heading westbound" Replied Marshall as I spun the cat 9 fire truck around turning on the lights and sirens, now gaining speed as I swerve through traffic 

Half an hour later.

"Unit FR216 approaching area of code 1, first on scene need immediate medical support" Marshall says into the mic of the radio, *"Rodger unit216, this is medical unit FA749 on route to your location, responding code 1"* came the reply from the radio. 

On scene.

After prying open the driver side door "Sir, hallo sir can you hear me? you've been in a crash, squeeze my hand if you can hear me" I ask putting my hand in side the car and to the drivers hand. "I-I c-can h-hear you" said a very weak voice as I feel a small squeeze on my hand. "Your gonna be ok sir. Marshall bring the jaws of life and some jacks. we need to get the truck off the car!" I yell to Marshall "Yes sir" He said running to grab them. " Sir can you move? we need to get you out of the car" I ask removing his seatbelt, "I -is my d-daughter ok? Wh-where i-is she?" the man said starting to panic and shift around, "Sir I need you to calm down, everything's gonna be alright, but we need to get you out first" I say trying me best to hold him down, " Captain the medics are here and where do you want these?" Marshall asked putting the jaws of life next to my foot and holding up the jacks, "Put them under the axle of the truck, we cant start cutting until that truck is safely off the car" I say pointing at the trucks front. 

"All secured captain Maverick, and the truck driver is being cared for we are green to start cutting" Said Marshall after lifting the truck off the car with the jacks. "Ok, Sir I need you to close your eyes and cover your face, we'll have you out in no time" I say as I pick up the jaws and begin to cut the roof of the car "Marshall come and pry the roof up" I yell to Marshall, "Yes sir" he replies running other with a crowbar.  

"Ok ready" "yep" "One, Two, THree" We say in unison as we push the cut part of the roof off the car, "Ok can you please put her on the stretcher" Asks one of the paramedics, "Ready Marshall, one two three" I grunt as we pull the female passenger out of the car and put her on the stretcher. Just as we pull her out of the car, the roof at the back collapses, "NOOO!!! DAKOTA!!!" yelled the driver of the car running towards the car, "STOP, YOU NEED TO STAY SEATED" I hear the other paramedic yell as I turn to see a man running to the car. "SIR STOP'" I yell as I run and tackle the man to the ground, "GET OFF ME!!!!" the man yell struggling to get out from under me, "NO I WONT, YOU NEED TO STAY AWAY FROM THE CAR" I say keeping him on the ground so he cant run, 

"We need to get her to the hospital ASAP" yelled a paramedic, "Yes sir the helicopter is on route ETA 10 minutes" replied another, "FUCK, We don't have 10 minutes" yelled the first one, by this time more ambulances and police had showed up. "Put her in the cat 9!!" I yell opening its passenger door, "What are you gon-" "WE don't have time for questions, Just get her in the car!! I yell interrupting the paramedic while getting in the drivers seat. As they put the girl in and shut the door with Marshall doing what he could to keep the girl alive. "This is captain Maverick unit FR216 calling air unit AU12 Acknowledge" I say into the radios mic while speeding under lights and sirens through traffic, "*This is air unit AU12, Acknowledging unit FR216 go ahead*" Came a response through the radio with the distinct sound of wind gashing past vehicle, "Reroute course to the intersection of Chye st and Zucky dr, We'll meet you there" I tell the pilot where we are going. 

After 2 minutes we arrived at the meeting place, slamming my foot down on the break petal coursing the breaks to lockup stopping the car as the helicopter touches down, "GET HER OVER HERE WE NEED TO LEAVE!!!" Yelled the heli's door man. After watching the chopper takeoff we headed back to the crash site to clean up 

After what seamed like an eternity sitting in the waiting room of the hospital, the doors at the back of the room opened revealing a doctor holding a clipboard, "Is there a Mr Hound here" Asked the doctor, 'What 'Hound' it couldn't be' I thought standing up and following the doctor and Mr Hound. "How is she?" asked Mr Hound, "W-well there's um there's good news and then there's also bad news, Which do you want to hear first?" askes the doctor, we stood there silent. "The choice is yours ether the left door or the right Its completely up to you" says the doctor breaking the silence, "I-I'll exhale I don't know" He says looking at both doors, than turning to the left door. "H-Hunter i-is that you?" Asked a small quiet females voice, "Y-Yeah its m-me, H-how do y-you fell?" asked Hunter now holding the woman in a worm embrace, 'Hunter Hound, It can't be, can it' I thought. 

That just leaves the right door. "I'm sorry to but Dakota was declared deceased at 1730 hours no further action was made to save her, I'm sorry but, you may say your final goodbyes" says the doctor closing the door as he left the room, "I-I'm just gonna leave you two alone for a bit, to say your good byes" I say following the doctor out the door, "NO! NOO!!!" I hear from the room before the door bursts open "SHES NOT DEAD, SHE CAN'T BE!! YOU BASTED GET BACK IN THERE AND HELP HER, DAKOTA IS NOT DEAD!!" Yelled Hunter running at the doctor with tears streaming down his face, "NO STOP, Get Everest in that room for emotional support" I tell the doctor while tackling Hunter to the ground and restraining him "I'm sorry for your loss Lieutenant Hound, But this is no way to deal with the pain, attaching people isn't the way to go about it" I say still holding him down , "Wait stop, What did you call me?" asked Hunter stopping his struggle 'Oh Shit it wasn't him' I thought getting off and helping him up "I called you Lieutenant Hound sir, I'm sorry if I've offended you, I-I thought you where someone else sir, I'll just leave now if you'll excuse me" I replied turning and walking to the door, "No ones been offended here, Captain Sadler sir" Hunter said standing and saluting me "The only one who should be offended is you, by the disrespect I've just showed towards you sir" Hunter said breaking down in to tears again, "You've shown no disrespect you've just lost your daughter and it's completely natural to feel angry" I tell him slowly siting him against the wall, "Th-thank y-you s-sir, for under standing" Hunter says bringing me into an emotional embrace while letting all his tears filled with pain and sorrow out on my shoulder, "There's nothing to say thank you for, and you can drop that 'sir' crap as well, I never let you call me that in the military so I'm not gonna let you start now" I say tightening the brotherly hug further. "I guess that I'm not needed then" asked Everest, I just pointed to the door while shacking my head.

'It's great to have you back, Hunter, You have no idea how much I've missed you'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2022 ⏰

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