chapter : 3 🌼

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She became nervous but started to gain courage and went towards her house anf opened the main door .. she saw her mom , dad with brother is waiting in living room.
Y/n mom - hey sweetie where were u ?! U never been so late at home after school .. I was so tensed and I tried so many times to call u but it was unreachable .
Y/n dad : yes ! Where were you princess .. we were so much worried about you .
Yedam : mom , dad pls relax and give a chance to talk y/n .
Y/n : mom , dad , OPPA I am sorry for being late. (In nervous tone ) A-Actually ...
ASAHI entered their house
ASAHI : she was with me actually I told her to do her new assignment with me since I k u all not be able to come in house today so she must be bore in home ..
Y/n stayed silent and Yedam went and hug ASAHI and told thank u ..btw u should call me atleast .
ASAHI : hmm ! That's my mistake .
Y/n mind : wait I want to tell the truth to my family it's not like that they kill me after hearing that I was with my friends .I k maybe dad and OPPA will do some overreact but I can manage by own self .. and why ASAHI OPPA tried to save me .. dk (with irritation )
Wait wait wait !! Do he also feels same like me and that's why he wants to save me becoz he know if dad and OPPA knows the truth then they will over react or maybe scold me for not informing them .. ( u are so overwhelmed suddenly u claped ur hand and jumping like a baby infront of ur parents .. even not knowing u are in living room )
Y/n mom : what happened Suddenly ?
Y/n : uhh !! Mm !?
Yedam : y/n go and take shower . Btw mom ASAHI came also so he is going to stay here in my room .. pls and make dinner for us .
Y/n dad : yes Yedam is right .. ASAHI don't need to go back at dormitory today .. stay here with Yedam . I won't accept the ans no .
ASAHI : smiled genuinely (about their care towards him ) okay np ! Btw how is ur grandparent ?
Yedam : she is lil bit okay !! Now let's go to my room
Y/n pov : I was standing awkwardly after knowing ASAHI OPPA gonna live in our house for tonight u thought about ur plan to confess him .. so u thought I think it's best time to tell him everything let's try one time y/n let's try u can do this ..
ASAHI : okay let's go .
Yedam : oye idiot go to ur room ..
Y/n : it's my business none of urs .. so go to ur own room .
ASAHI ignored their conversation as y/n is not even present and went to upstairs .
After one hour .. .
Yedam and asahi went to downstairs for dinner you were not there yet .
Yedam sit next to ASAHI in table and suddenly his mom talk
Y/n mom : why is y/n is not here still ? Yedam honey pls go and call ur sister .
Yedam : no mom this is not my turn .. I always call her for coming downstairs .. dad go and call her .
Y/n dad : look how old I am it's so hard to running from upstairs and downstairs go my boy pls ..
ASAHI : shall I go ?
Yedam : ohh pls pls !! ( And he indicating ASAHI to go y/n 's room for calling her )
ASAHI went to your room 's door

Your door was locked from inside
You were fully planning how will u confess him .. and when becoz, u know ur oppa always stay with him never leave him for a sec then why will u confess ur feelings !! Suddenly u came out in reality after hearing knock on ur door
You opened the door and froze for a second to see ASAHI OPPA or ur life crush , your imagination boyfriend and ur future husband is standing infront of ur room ..
ASAHI : aunty is calling you for dinner .
Y/n : umm !! Coming
Btw where is oppa ?
ASAHI : he is in dinning room ..
Y/n mind : oppa , mom , dad both are in downstairs it's the best time for u y/n go and show ur power y/n .. close ur eyes and tell him u want to tell from a long time ago .
ASAHI turned back as he was going to downstairs
You hold his left hand (you don't know what is happening u don't know who is watching you , u only know there is only one man Is standing infront of u and u love him .. u want to tell him everything that nobody snatch him from u .. u want to tell him many things )
ASAHI looked at u with confuse look as you spoke
Y/n : umm !! Sorry ( you left his hand and started to speak as you close ur eyes .. your hand is Tightly holding the corner of ur shirt ) I don't know how you feels but I like you since a long time .. I dont know what will you reply me but I .. rrr... really likkke yy--you . (You finished your line like speed of light and open ur one eyes to see his reaction )
ASAHI laughed a little and told u
ASAHI : y/n it's not time for date or anything do focus on ur study and I am your oppa don't forget that (with little serious face ) .
You don't know how to react but that was so embarrassing for you as you hope to get a positive reply .. suddenly Yedam came and told
Yedam : oh c'mon let's come quickly u both two I am so hungry ..Standing from some steps far from you both
ASAHI nodded and tell
ASAHI : maybe I love someone else so it's better for u to stop thinking that ...
(You were still so strong becoz u know he worry for u and he love more ur brother and respect their friendship , but after hearing his last sentence ur heart brokes into parts and tears drop from corner of ur eye .. )
ASAHI left ur room without noticing ur tears .
Meanwhile you came in ur room and bursts out in crying .. you never feel this feelings ..u went washroom and fresh up after some mins as u need to go dinning room u don't want that anybody can know about ur tears and panicked it.
You really cried so much in this night .
Days are passing as you became little cold towards ur parents , brother but u always same cheerful person in school u stared to hang out with doyoung , Lia and his friends like jeongwoo , so junghwan and haruto .. they are so sweet they are so friendly u always forget this rejection when u with them ..
This is same going in every day
After 6 months ..
Farewell party for senior batch is arranged by your class ..
U all are so much excited for this but from that day u never even tried to talk with ASAHI .. u never want to disturb him as u k he love someone else .. u want to move on from this but it's not easy since he always live infront of ur eyes with ur brother ..
The party day ~
Gathering of students , seniors , your classmates .. no teacher becoz it was arranged by your class only
.. there was arrangements of everything ..
You , Yedam both are there but u always avoid Yedam when he is with ASAHI .
As same this day u did same
U all are so tired becoz u all arranged and did so. Much hard works ..u sitting on a chair u didn't notice some boys were drooling over u .. u wear a black little bit revealing dress . As theme colour of party was black . ASAHI was sitting quietly in a chair u didn't notice him as the whole day he never even leave his eyes from u .
Yedam was busy chitchatting with his other friends as ASAHI don't talk so much with other guys ..
ASAHI noticed even this boy gang who were drooling over you .
The party arranged for whole day ..
It's 7:30 pm as u all regained ur energy and dancing as u can .. .u guys are doing so much fun with seniors , all are doing same except ASAHI and this boy gang . One of the boy from this gang approach towards you and hold your hand from behind u didn't notice and dancing like crazy .. ASAHI noticed even that . These boys were know that u are yedam's sister so they never show their courage infront of Yedam .. as he moved from this place for sometimes with his friends they took the chance .. and pulled u in the way of bathroom ..
U came in mind and suddenly yelled at this boy ..
He pinned u in a wall and tried to touch u in bad way .. u tried to push him but he was so much stronger than u .. u failed u screamed so much but the music from party room was more loud enough than ur voice ..
?? : Hi !! Darling , u are looking hot tonight ..
Y/n : leave me , what are u trying to do ? Leave me .. I said u to leave me ..
He was trying to touch your waist by his one hand and another was on ur neck his lips is so close to urs .. u are so scared as u praying to God .. if someone notice this and save her from this beast .
Meanwhile Doyoung , Lia are so focused on their dance .. jeongwoo , junghwan haruto are also with rhythm .. they even didn't notice that u are there no more ..
Y/n : I said to leave me
. U feels that he is gonna do something bad .. u closed ur eyes with fear and trying to push him so hardly suddenly u feel there is no one infront of u .. u opened ur eyes and saw this boy is fell down on ground and u look on ur left side to see ASAHI is standing there with angry face u never seen his this face .. u are even so scared of this moment as ur mind was like if he did something wrong with u .. u are sobbing and crying like mess ..
ASAHI notice u after a sec and hug u lightly .. but u don't let him to do lightly u hug him back and tight ur grip .. u are still crying like mess
ASAHI : y/n , it's nothing happened look u are fine
I am here .. nothing happened .. don't cry stop crying
Y/n still crying like mess..

To be continued ~

CRUSH ON MY BROTHER'S COLD BESTFRIEND Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz