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🌹- He's a Tramp. But we Love him, breaks a new heart everyday. He's a Tramp. We adore him.

🌹- man's is a whole flirt but respects boundaries.

🌹- but he also protecc.

🌹- Baji is surprisingly very sweet to you.

🌹- he hasn't once bared his fangs at you. And he never will.

🌹- He is your emotional support doggo. He can sense your mood.

🌹- And if he ever sensed a small amount of sadness he will be all over you.

🌹- Like Draken, Baji is your own personal bodyguard.

🌹- Very intimidating.

🌹- He is extremely protective and will get jealous if another dog who doesn't like in your house gets your attention.

🌹- Don't come home smelling like another dog or else you will have a whole arguement.

🌹- He seems to like Chifuyu and Takemichi.

🌹- there hardly ever separated.

🌹- He only lets you hug him.

🌹- He cares for you. Even if he doesn't show it sometimes.

🌹- Mikey and Baji are the first two to greet you every Tuesday and Thursday you come home from work.

🌹- he follows you into the kitchen.

🌹- when you have guest over, and you go to the bathroom. Baji and the other dogs will sit by the door and wait for you.

🌹- they wont let anyone near the door unless its for "Lady problems" (if you know what I mean.)

🌹- He brings little gifts too your door sometimes.

🌹- like Roses. Yes. The rose from your Garden.

🌹- he'll wait patiently for you to pick it up and thank him with kisses (Not on the lips tho) and pats.

🌹- He loves you so much.

🌹- he just wants love and affection. Give that too him and he will love you.

🌹- Treats are a must.

🌹- Repay him with treats.

🌹- He tries to eat your chocolate even tho he knows he cant have it.

🌹- Once he ate a plate of chocolate chip cookies and had to be rushed to the vet to get his stomach pumped.

🌹- to him they were so good. And it was worth it.

🌹- Gentleman.

🌹- Mans will leave the room of your getting in or out the shower. You don't even hear him leave, he just dips.

🌹- He loves visiting your friends ranch. He helps rounds up the sheep and cows.

🌹- A Very Good boi.

🌹-  He loves any type of fun.

🌹- He doesn't seem interested in finding a mate (Bc he got Chifuyu.).

🌹How he feels about you🌹

🌹- This man ABSOLUTELY adores you.

🌹-he does Show that very well.

🌹- He's loyal to you and the pack.

🌹- He likes his space so he doesn't follow you everywhere.

🌹- Sometimes he will hide your lunch just so he can take it too you.

🌹- He like too watch T.v. with you.

🌹- Movie night is always the best thing on weekends.

🌹- He likes to play with his squeaky toy/ which is a carrot.

🌹- You bought it for him when you first met him as a puppy.

🌹- he ran away one day and you hadn't seen him until the day Mikey brought his pack home.

🌹- Baji instantly remembered you. Just like Draken.

🌹- The carrots name is Mr. Carrot.

🌹- He loves to play fetch with mr. Carrot.

🌹- Hikes with you is one of his favorite things to do with you.

🌹- as I said he brings you roses and different flowers.

🌹- he tried animals but that just made you scream and shout to get em outta the house.

🌹- So he decided that bringing dead or live animals wasn't gonna cut it.

🌹- so he settled on flowers.

🌹- He's quick on his feet. Not as fast as Draken but he's fast enough.

🌹- Baji is just a sassy boi.

🌹- He's been around you too long he's started to pick up some traits.

🌹- He now knows how to roast people now.

🌹- He roasts you sometimes but you just hear barking.

🌹- He loves a good scratch behind the ears and cuddles.

🌹- The mailman is his natural enemy.

🌹-  May or may not have eaten half of you shoe. He did it outta love tho. (No he knew what he was doing.)

🌹- sleeps on the bottom of the bed.

🌹- Playful boi

🌹- He will ignore other peoples/your families commands and will only listen too you.

🌹- If they give him a order like, "Baji, sit." He will look at them like their crazy.

🌹- Instead of collars, the dogs wear bandanas with a tag either sewed or custom made with their names on it.

🌹- Baji grew fond of the bandana and refuses to take it off.

🌹- Unless it's bath time.

🌺- Happy. That's what I am. Im happy. I got this chapter done and I'm satisfied. Who's next on the list? Author-chan🌺

Raising Mikey. ( Tokyo revengers as pets headcannons and scenarios)Where stories live. Discover now