1. Welcome to Storybrooke

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A/N: I apologise if I get any of the language wrong. I'm not American, so I might get some of the American language wrong. Sorry in advance.

Disclaimer: I do not own Merlin or Once Upon A Time.


Welcome to Storybrooke.

Merlin stared at the sign for a moment or two. What a strange name for a town. Merlin could feel remnants of a dark curse on the town, but is slowly receding. Hm, this will be interesting, Merlin thinks, and continues down the road. It had been centuries since Merlin had last heard of or seen another sorcerer. And Merlin was curious, if a little wary, considering its magic of the darkest kind. Merlin hadn't encountered anything like this, since Camelot, since Morgana.

Merlin drove for about five minutes, driving past a forest, until finally seeing the beginnings of a town. It was nearing sunset when he reached town centre. He parked his car, and warily got out. He looked around and seeing some of the towns people regarding him curiously. Probably they seldom get visitors. Merlin wouldn't be surprised, considering the magical barrier that surrounds the town that is supposed to keep outsiders out. But, being a creature of magic, he is the exception to the rule.

He sees a small café, Granny's Diner, and headed towards it. When he enters, everyone turns to him. A small dark haired boy, and a woman with blonde hair is regarding him with narrowed eyes. The boy, looks slightly surprised. "I thought you said you don't get visitors." The woman said to the boy quietly.

"We don't." The boy answered. They were whispering to each other, and the only reason Merlin can hear them, is because of his heightened senses.

Merlin smiled sheepishly, and sits down at the bar.

An old woman came over to him. The name tag says Granny on it. It would be strange to call her 'Granny' considering he is three thousand years older than her. "What would you like?" She asked, regarding him warily.

"Uh, water, please." Merlin answered.

"You English?" She asked, surprised.

Merlin nodded. "Yes. I'm just passing through." Merlin said. Although he plans on staying for bit. The blonde woman and the boy came up to him.

"I'm the sheriff of this town." She said. "What's your business here?" The boy remains silent, regarding him curiously. It was kind of unnerving. Merlin could feel dormant magic in her, but it feels different to his. Merlin doesn't know why. But her magic is powerful, that much is clear. Not as powerful as his, but still powerful.
"I'm just passing through." Merlin said. She seemed surprised by the accent, along with the boy.

"You're English?" The boy asked.

"Henry." The woman scolded, warningly.

"Yeah. I take it you don't get many visitors." Merlin said.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2015 ⏰

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